Chapter Fourteen

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As I knew it would be, dinner was perfect

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As I knew it would be, dinner was perfect. Robby and Kyle talked non-stop - mainly about me - but I'd let it slide today.

I was walking Kyle to the door when his phone started ringing.

"You can go ahead and get that."

He shook his head. "Believe me, that's the last thing I want. It's Molly."

I nodded, trying to not act bothered.

"I think she likes you just as much as she doesn't me."

He put an arm around me and I immediately felt protected by the strength he used to pull me into him.

"I want you to know that there's nothing to worry about with her. Yeah, at point I'd considered asking her out, but that was more to stop Cassie from bugging me about being alone and a lot less because I liked her."

I nodded, hiding my twinge of jealousy. But I understood and was glad he felt like he could tell me that.

"So, did she think there was a chance that you and she could be together? I mean, did it get to the point where you asked her out or maybe given her a hint that you would be?"

He shook his head. "No, nothing like that at all. I've always been friendly to her, but never led her on."

There's zero chance that I'd ever be interested in her like that, especially after seeing the way she's treating you. I thought I knew her, but it's becoming obvious that I don't."

He leaned in and kissed me, holding my face in his hands.

"There's only one woman that I'm interested in pursuing anything with, and she has the sweetest lips, beautiful blonde hair. And a huge heart with tons of passion for caring."

I smiled, feeling like my feet were floating off the ground. "That's awfully kind of you to say."

He winked. "Yep, I love my grandma so much."

He started laughing and I slugged his arm.

"Uh-huh, think you're funny?"

He shrugged. "Maybe a little." He paused for a second while we looked at each other, smiling. "I better get going, but I really want you to know that I enjoyed dinner. Robby's pretty cool."

"Don't tell him that. He's already threatened to steal you from me."

"Well, maybe I should kiss you so he won't have any doubt whose lips I wanna pucker mine up with."

I nodded, liking this flirtatious side of him. It was extremely sexy. And not to mention now that he started talking about kissing, that's all I could think of.

I decided to take a play from his playbook and give a little back. Reaching up, I took ahold of his shirt and pulled him a little closer to me, looking up at him.

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