Chapter Twelve

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       I pushed the button on the alarm clock to stop the blaring

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I pushed the button on the alarm clock to stop the blaring. But I'd already been awake off and on for over an hour. Sleep wasn't something I found most of the night.

I rubbed my lips with a smile, remembering every second of last night's kiss with Mr. Kyle Stephens. The date had been imperfectly perfect and, as much as I thought the night was going to end without the kiss we'd both wanted throughout the night, he surprised me. And in the best possible way.

It was hard and extremely passionate. And there was no denying those sparks were flying off of us, lighting up things around us even more than the lighting from the storm. We created our own storm.

"What's got that huge ass smile on your face this morning?" Robby asked. I hadn't even noticed that he was at my door.

I grinned widely at him, and his eyes widened. "Last night was perfect."

He hopped on the bed with me. "Tell me everything."

"He kissed me, Robby, and it was unlike anything I'd ever felt before." I couldn't stop smiling. "The whole night was perfect, even though we were soaked from the storm and a bird pooped on him."

Robby laughed. "Alright, if that's perfect, then I can't wait to see what the next date brings. I love that smile. It's been a while since I've seen it on you."

He brought me in for a hug and I cuddled up against his shoulder. "It's been a while since anyone has made me feel like this. I mean, things with Dan were great for a long time, but I'd never felt as incredible and desired as Kyle made me feel with just a kiss."

"A kiss, huh?" Robby teased. "So the boy owned those lips finally."

"To say the least." I found myself rubbing across them again.

"So how're things gonna be in the classroom? I mean, while you're trying to explain adjectives. Is he gonna wink at you and throw you off your game?"

I shook my head. "No, I don't think it'll be like that. Something tells me that Kyle will be just as professional as always. He made it clear that as much as he wanted to get to know me personally, he wanted to keep things professional in the classroom."

Robby was nodding, "Yeah right. That's not gonna happen. If he's just as giddy as you are, there's no way that he's gonna be able to keep things professional. He'll take you to the teacher's lounge to steal a kiss just as soon as he can."

    I buried my head in the pillow just as I would if I was in high school and found out my crush liked me. Kyle was making me feel desired and I loved it.

    "Girl, that smile is gorgeous on you. I like him already. I can't wait to meet him."

    I rolled over and looked at the clock that I'd set for thirty minutes earlier last night, so I could spend a little extra time on my hair and makeup. But that time passed by already just talking with Robby about last night.

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