Chapter Twenty One

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The room of faces all fell upon me as I entered the room

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The room of faces all fell upon me as I entered the room. Kyle and I sat at the end of the long rectangular table. He was directly across from me. A recorder was set in the middle of the room, and I'd never felt more insecure.

"I'm glad you were all able to make it to this impromptu meeting this morning, but I feel the situation at hand requires our immediate attention," Fred addressed the room, never once looking at me.

"I'll give the floor to Mr. Sparks."

Henry stood and looked in my direction. "Thank you, and I will start by giving Kendall Clark and Kyle Stephens the entire allegation that Miss Molly Brigham has reported to the board."

I looked over at Kyle, who smiled and gave me a subtle wink.

"It reads as follows:

Molly Brigham, teacher at West Haven High School, has filed a report against Miss Kendall Clark, who is a student teacher, interning for the English department. Kyle Stephens is the mentor for said student teacher.
Molly Brigham has reported that Kendall Clark has threatened her with physical harm if she did not stop having personal contact with Mr. Kyle Stephens. Let it be known that Molly Brigham stated that she and Mr. Stephens were good friends and in the process of turning into a personal relationship. But when Kendall Clark started her internship, his attitude toward Molly Brigham completely changed. He was becoming more distant and unapproachable, and she blames Kendall Clark for this as well. Although, she knows that her personal feelings toward Mr. Stephens has no relevance to the issue at hand, she feels that Miss Clark has tried to start a personal relationship with Mr. Stephens. Molly Brigham feels that her relationship with Kyle Stephens threatened Miss Clark, which led her to threaten Miss Brigham.

The filed report is as follows:

Kendall Clark is being reported for verbally threatening Molly Brigham with physical harm, which is interpretable to physical violence. Molly Brigham has also stated that she was also verbally intimidated with further threats stating that Kendall Clark's father, Mr. Allen Clark, 'knew people and could have her taken care of.'

All I could do was sit there and stare at Mr. Sparks.

I had nothing...

"Miss Clark, would you like to share your version of what happened during this interaction that Miss Brigham said occurred outside of the classroom, but still within the walls of the school?"

Kyle looked at me and nodded his head in Mr. Sparks' direction.

I stood on shaky legs. "I-"

"Excuse me, but I need to speak with Miss Clark for a moment."

A man I'd never seen before barged into the room. He was a rather young, dark-haired man, that looked to be in his thirties. He was dressed in a perfectly tailored suit, carrying a brown leather briefcase.

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