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When we passed the huge swimming pool, the massive cinema court, we finally reached a hallway with doors covering the left side, but only one side had only one door in the middle.
"dis is tha nineteenth ground and room 10101"George proudly shared.
"Wow George, your awesome" Peter complimented.
"Let me show you da rooms that are on tha other side of th magic door" George suggested while turning the key.
"Hell yeah" George yelled when he walked inside, while Peter and I following.
The place was gigantic;
A huge cinema on the left, A bed room on the right and in front of us was a huge living room.
George showed us and took us to the cinema.
"Now this room is da most delicate room outta all the others. This huge screen can show you 2D movies, 3D movies and even 4D movies" He pointed at the screen.
After that, he guested us to the bedroom.
There was an elegant bed at the corner, and another at the opposite side.
"The bathroom is in ere, a huge tub and a huge shower room" he laughed.
Peter just chuckled behind me, laying down on the bed, ready to sleep.
"Come on! You better see the living room before you go to bed now" George told Peter then walked me to the living room.
"Now this room is unlike da other rooms, this tv, this fridge, this bar... wait... a bar?" George stared at us confused as I elbowed Peter while smirking.
"No way!" Peter raised both hands in surrender.
"Don't get too excited, I'm taking tha alcohol, beer and wine too... I don't wanna let you two run around the hotel naked like the two that came before ya" He chuckled endlessly with me and Peter, while holding up the huge box of drinks.
"Right then I better go, I need to get some sleep too" George admitted.
He walked to the door and opened it gently, but stopped and turned around.
"I didn't get your names" he said.
"Oh, Jack Richardson" I happily said.
"Peter... Austin" Peter said in exhaustion.
"Austin...?" George raised one brow.
"Yeah, Why?" Pete asked.
"Never mind" George shrugged.
"Thanks for everything" I shouted on the bed before George threw the keys to me and left the room.
"These days, my friend, are gonna be unforgettable" I laughed to Peter

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