A Normal Day

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(Hi, a note from the Author, I have decided that I'm going to make Tovah and gang ninth graders, so they are freshmen from here on out. So Yumi and William are tenth graders. But I'm lazy so I'm not going to go back and change all of the POV things, but it's not a new year. I just want them to be a tad older. )

Tovah Pressman Kadic Academy: Ninth Grade Student

I was able to put pressure on my ankle, with the assistance of crutches of course. I hadn't truly had a "normal" day at Kadic Academy since I'd gotten here, there had been monsters, kissing, XANA, and fractured ankles. I was looking forward to just going to all of my classes without my phone buzzing. I was making a reputation for myself without even knowing it yet. The boys and some girls thought I was a bit...how you say, "flirty," I think I'm just friendly. But if I'm going to survive I need to make more friends than just Yumi, Ulrich, Odd, Aelita, and Jeremy, you can't survive on bread alone. So I was going to branch out and talk to more people. Well, besides Nicholas, my science partner. Starting with a dark-haired boy, seemed easy enough, it practically fell into my lap. I dropped one of my books on the way to class when he came and picked it up for me, "here, I guess crutches and textbooks don't match," he laughed slipping it into my backpack.
"No, not really," I smiled.
"You're kinda new aren't you?"
"I guess, I mean how long will I be new?"
"Three months?"
"Is that a fact?" I giggled.
"More an estimated guess,"
"I'm Tovah."
"I'm William,"
"Nice to meet you, what grade are you?"
"Sophomore, you?"
"Freshman," I nodded, he seemed very confident. "So why do you say three months? Were you the new kid?" I asked as we walked down the hall.
"Yes, and I guess my 'newness' has rubbed off after three months," he smiled.
"Where are you from?"
"I was living in Africa with my parents, but the school I was going to closed down. Which is fine with me, you know, an all-girls school," I shrugged. "But originally, France,"
"Oh nice," he smiled. "What class are you off to?"
"Music, but I guess it's not all that bad, I like my art classes and well, everything that isn't math really," I looked over at him and then saw Yumi walking towards us.
"Hi, Yumi!" I said as she stopped looking at both of us.
"I see you met William. I hope he hasn't tried anything," she giggled.
"No! I've been nothing but a gentleman! I swear!" He crossed his heart.
"Very," I agreed. "Well I have to get to class," I said. "See you two around, I suppose,"
One friend down, hopefully, I can score another. Meanwhile, Ulrich and Odd aren't speaking on account of me. But maybe since it's my first day back in the classroom, they'll be polite.

Aelita Stones Kadic Academy: Ninth Grade Student

"You two are seriously giving me a headache!" Jeremy sighed before taking a bite of croissant. "Can't you two just go five minutes without arguing!"
"Yes, seriously, you two are supposed to be best friends so just kiss and make up," I stirred my tea and looked at Odd, "you both messed up, so neither of you are right anyway. She's not into you Odd and she's not into Ulrich either," I shrugged. "So please, she's coming back to class today, so be civil..." I stood up grabbing my bag and started off to music class, not my favorite as it usually was a little boring, but rather boring than tedious.
I sat next to Tovah and was very glad to see her back in class.
"How's your ankle?"
"Such a mama bird," she patted my hand. "It's fine, I'll tell you if I need to go to the infirmary," she nodded.
"Faking for attention I see!" Sissi said knocking T's crutches over. Tovah just rolled her eyes and ignored her, leaning her head on the desk.
"Maybe that's why I saw William fawning over her earlier, tossing her books on the ground. A real drama queen if you ask me." She said leaning over to Herb and Nicholas.
"Sissi. Shut up, you sound dumber than usual," I said crossing my arms in defense of my friend.
She sunk into her seat, looking embarrassed. Class droned on and then free period came. Sweet freedom.

Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy: Ninth Grade Student

I shot out of my seat and followed behind Tovah after the bell.
"Hey, Spacegirl, where are you off to?" I asked. "I can carry your bag if you want to." I offered, but she pulled away.
"No thanks. Odd why don't you go make a pact with Ulrich, you're pretty good at that," she said starting to walk away.
"Hey." I said walking after her, "I just did it cause Ulrich liked you too. Plus, you kissed him! So I should be mad at you,"
"You should be mad at me?"
"It was a life or death situation! I like...I mean liked someone else, but I'm taking a break from dating at the moment," she started "I hope we can be friends, good friends, that's all,"
"You're using my words against me!"
"You left me in the woods!"
"I was upset!"
"Well Ulrich saved me, maybe I should ask him to the dance,"
"It's a boys choice dance, that's breaking the rules,"
"I'm a modern-day woman the rules don't apply!"
"This is why Jeremy said you're red Zone!"
"Red Zone? What does that mean?"
"Like off-limits. Like we aren't allowed to touch,"
"Hmm." She thought for a moment. "Now I really want to disobey Jeremy. It's my favorite past time." She said biting her lip.
"What? I thought you were mad at me,"
"I am. But I'm still mad at Jeremy. Meet me in the shed after class," she said, "and don't tell anyone, it's a secret!" She whispered.
Naturally, I had to tell someone.
Bzzz bzzz
"Hello?" Aelita whispered as she answered the phone in the library
"Who is it?" Jeremy asked
"Odd, I'm gonna go answer this. I'll be back," she went outside the library to see me. "Odd!" She gasped. "What do you need?"
"Tovah wants to meet me in a shed after class."
"Okay? And the bad news, I thought you liked her?"
"What if everyone finds out? She told me not to tell,"
"Why are you telling me?"
"You're not everyone, will you meet me in the courtyard?" I asked.

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