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Jeremy Belpois Kadic Academy ninth grade student

"So what's wrong?" I asked as the others and I arrived back at the hospital, Odd seemed more tired than we were. He sat with his head in his hands, "she...well she had another seizure, well two more seizures and I couldn't get the door open and then I woke her up and she seems as though she can't remember me," he said. "But she's awake now, but you guys can go see her, it'll be a surprise if she remembers any of you," he said motioning over to the room.
I explained that maybe they should just let me go in first and then they could come in.
"Jeremy?" She asked, she sat up and looked confused, "what are you doing here? And what am I doing here? Was I visiting your house?" She asked. "Are your parents coming?" She asked, just as she said that and I was coming up with an answer when my mom walked in, "Tovah, the school called me, your parents can't be here, they're still in Africa do you remember that?" My mom sat down at the end of Tovah's bed and started trying to jog her memory. I turned around with wide eyes, how was I gonna get her to the factory now? My parents circling her and her lack of memory, this was gonna be difficult, not just difficult, close to impossible.
"Well, will you come home with me this weekend to help me get your cousin settled in?" My mom asked. Tovah sat up, "wait so I'm not with my parents, where are they?" She asked. I went into the hall and looked at Ulrich who was lingering outside the room. "What're you still doing here? I thought you guys left?" I asked. "I just wanted to see her," he said looking into the room, I pushed him back into the hall and crossed my arms defensively. "She doesn't know who you are so why would you want to see her?" I asked rubbing my forehead. "Well seeing me might jog her memory a bit," he suggested. "I don't think that's a good idea," I shook my head. "Jeremy, we have to get going, watch Tovah while I get her checked out." She walked out and started towards the nurse's station, I looked at Ulrich and then into the room, my head was spinning. "Listen we have to get Tovah back to the factory, she lost her memory because of a bug, here's the address to the house, come over tomorrow morning and we'll go to the factory and get this fixed..."

Aelita stones Kadic Academy Ninth grade student

I paced outside the cafeteria and looked up as Ulrich came back finally. "Well? What's happening? Is she gonna be alright?" I asked hurriedly, concerned for my best friend. "Well, tomorrow we have to make a bit of a jailbreak, Jeremy gave me the address to come and get her and take her to the factory," he said sitting on the stairs in front of the cafeteria. Odd and Yumi came towards us, Yumi sat on the stairs, "any news?" She asked. "She's still in bad shape, but it appears we have to make a prison break to get Tovah to the factory," I sighed.

Jeremy Belpois Kadic Academy ninth grade student

I sat at the end of Tovah's bed as she sat up examining her surroundings, "so, we go to school together?" She asked again. "Yes," I said laying back, dangling my head off the side of the bed. "And we get along?" She asked. "Yes, well mostly?" She squinted, thinking about my answer, "what do you mean?" She asked. "You've asked me that a million times now, how many times can I explain that we get along, that we go to school together, your parents are doctors in Africa still and you have a stepmom." I rubbed my temples and sat up. "Do you want some water or something?" I asked, I know I was getting annoyed at her for something that was somewhat my fault, but I guess I couldn't help it.
I heard a ring at the doorbell and went downstairs, "Yumi? Aelita?" I asked. "We came to visit Tovah," Yumi smiled. "I brought a photo album," Aelita said holding it up, it was pink and covered in sparkles. "My mom drove us," Yumi said waving bye to her mom.
"So can we come in?" She asked. "Oh sure, she might be confused at first, just-" Aelita cut me off, "don't worry we'll be quiet and calm," she winked. I sat downstairs taking a break.

Yumi Ishiyama Kadic Academy Tenth grade student

"Hey Tovah," Aelita said peeking in the room, "can we come in?" She asked. Tovah nodded, "sure," We came in and sat at the end of the bed, "do you remember us?" I asked. "Sorry," she said looking down into her glass of water. "I don't think so, it's all so..." she tried to think of what to say but instead shrugs. "I don't know," Aelita opens the photo album, "here we wanted to show you this, I've been making this album since you moved to Kadic, you're my roommate," she smiled. "Look this is when we went to the movies," she ran her finger over the photos and explained the stories behind each photo, and looked at T for a reaction. Tovah stared intently at the album and then at us, "that's so weird, I was there but it's like someone stole my memory away from me," she replied Stepping out of bed, "so you're Aelita," she pointed at me, "and you're..." she clenched her jaw. "I'm sorry I don't know, the pictures help, but I don't know who you guys are," she shrugged.
Jeremy came back upstairs and knocked on the door, "my mom said that Tovah should get back to sleep," Aelita pulled a card out of her bag, "oh Sissi said for me to give you this, it's a get well soon card," Tovah set it in her lap and flipped it in between her fingers, "thanks," she murmured. I guess when you get a card from someone you don't remember it doesn't really matter if you open it or not.
We went downstairs and all stared at each other, "do you know what happened?" I asked. Jeremy pushed his glasses up his nose, "it's a bug from the devirtualization program, it took a fragment of her memory, like a piece of data and stored it. To get it back and restore it we have to get her to a way tower," he said sighing. "Well, what do we do? Sneak her out? She doesn't trust us, she can't remember us and she freaks out when she sees Odd and Ulrich." I shook my head. "Well maybe if we bring the guys here and reintroduce them to her and make her see that they're her friends," Aelita explained. "Well we're basically gonna kidnap her," Yumi pointed out. "You think she'll go quietly considering we are basically kidnapping her?" I asked looking up the stairs. My mom pulled up into the driveway and we said our goodbyes and went and got in the car.

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