Chapter 5

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Declan was certainly not looking forward to sleeping round Ant's.

It seems as though Ant is trying to spend every minute he possibly can with Dec, and that's not an unlikely thing. Ant's obviously determined to win this bet, and Dec is determined to make Ant lose.

It would probably be alot easier if he could say that he was definitely not falling for Ant, but the problem was that he wasn't really sure.

But he can't really pinpoint what he even likes about Ant, probably because he nearly hates everything about him. Well, at least he thought he did, and now he's confused and doesn't understand his feelings anymore. And being someone who usually has every of whats going on, and as Dec always say he hated not understanding.

Ant probably didn't have much going for him. Dec usually isn't attracted to popular boys who go around sleeping with everyone he can get and prided themselves on getting in trouble as often as they did. As always, Dec always steered clear of people like this, and clearly something about Ant had slightly changed his mind, maybe because there's just something about him that's different side to him. And there's a feeling deep inside Dec that there's a possibility that Ant's not as bad as everyone thinks, like there's another side to him.
Of course, the logical side of Dec see's how unlikely that is. Ant's just doing everything to keep up his Bad Boy reputation.

If it wasn't for his reputation would he still be the same, Dec wonders

He still tries to promise himself that above everything, he will never sleep with Ant. That would be the worst thing in this scenario, Ant would have won the bet and have the pride that he managed to get Dec in bed, and Dec would be stuck being alone and miserable. It's very unlike Ant to stick around after he's gotten what he wanted all along. He'd just rush off to find another guy or girl to fuck.

Dec's now sorting the what he needs for that night, trying to distract himself from the thought of Ant, but Dec knows that if he pushes the thoughts away there're just going to cone back later. He finds himself looking in the mirror alot more than usual, making sure he looks alright. He knows he's trying to make himself look good for Ant, but doesn't know why, and certainly wouldn't dare to admit to himself doing so.

He puts on a button up shirt just like he does everyday followed by a pair of black jeans that he already knows Ant will probably make a comment about but still does it anyway. He spends alot more time on his hair, making sure it's perfect and making sure he's looking alright.

Dec hesitates a bit before actually leaving his house and going outside, walking to Ant's house ringing the doorbell once again. His mam answers this time, and his first thought is wondering whether or not she knows how Ant acts in school.

"Hello, Mrs Mcpartlin . Im friends with Ant. We're working on a project together. I was here the other day." Dec manages a charming smile, and it's not difficult. He has a tendency to make adults like him. Perfect grades and a good boy is mostly all they look for. But still he struggles getting the word out 'friend' out. It sounds wrong in a sentence that involves 'Ant'.

Ant rushes down the stairs just a moment later. "Oh, sorry, i didn't know what time you were coming. Come in." Ant smiles sweetly, it's just all so fake and sugar-coated for his mam. Both him and Dec know it. He feels bad for his poor mam, always having to deal with Ant's bullshit.

Ant takes his wrist and drags him upstairs, back into the room he'd been in the day before. Dec still isn't over how his bedroom partly doesn't seem like him.

"Do ya wanna beer or something," Ant asks. He still hasn't tried to pulk anything on Declan yet, but Dec's sure it while only be a while before he does.

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