Epilogue: Unprofessional

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By ѕαкυяα

"Gentle ladies and gentlemen, a very good evening to everyone. Now you must be wondering that I don't have the basic knowledge of vocabulary. 'Gentle ladies'? What kind of word is that? Well why not? Things should be equal between both the genders, shouldn't they?" I looked at the auditorium in front of me where no chair was empty. I couldn't see the audience due to dimmed light and the only focus was on the stage. The spotlight was on me. 

"But it isn't and we kind of have accepted it, right? We even feel odd to think of ourselves at the same level of a man, why? Because that is what we have grown up seeing. Because from the beginning we were told that the female are not same as a man. The society refused the idea of a woman and a man being equal." I finished my sentence a little harshly and then took a breathe.

"I am not going on the biological characteristics but there is not even a single thing that is different between a man and a woman. But still the society has this erroneous perspective on women that they are weak and are in need of protection by men. They think of us as some fragile weaklings that whines on everything. We need a man in our life to protect us on every single step. We should be grateful to the society for thinking this way!" I let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Well common people are common people but even in movies, dramas and books females are portrayed as the one who would be saved by the male. Its the same ol cliché like why? Can a story not have a plot where the female saves the male? Or did God stamped 'needs to be protected' on our foreheads?" I made a finger quotation mark getting a slight applause from the audience.

"Yesterday while doing a little research for this speech an article caught my attention. It was of a rape victim's life. After that incident many voices were raised against such disgusting act but most of them were seeking for more protection. The story of that 19 year old girl, who's life was devastated before it had even bloomed made me on the verge of tears but she ended her article with a question. A question on why was she considered as some weak creature of the society? Why was she in need of protection? Why was no one telling the girls to be more brave and learn to protect themselves?" I created a pause for the audience to take in my words.

"Yes that is where the problem lies. Instead of thinking about more protection if the parents, the government, the society teach a girl to be more brave then things like this would become rare. Instead of telling the girls to fear anyone if the society helps them to learn methods of self protection then the headlines with rape cases will be less. Right here in the auditorium so many mothers are present. I request you, all of you when you go home tell your daughter that she doesn't need to be afraid of anyone. Teach them self defense. Make them dependent on themselves. Because only a mother can make her daughter strong." These were the exact words my mother used to tell me.

"Let me tell you a personal incident. My mom is no more here but I still follow her words and she had always taught me to never be a coward. During my high school I once saved a girl from being sexually assaulted and I remembered everyone telling me why I went there alone. What if something would have happened to me. But my mom always told me to never stop just because I am a girl and I didn't stop myself." I smiled as the face of my mom flashed by in my mind.

"Don't look at the standards of the society. Don't listen to the irrelevant reasoning they give. Revealing clothes are not the reason for sexual assaults and rape cases. If a person can not wear their desired clothes due to the fear of being assaulted then it is not that person's fault, at fault is the society because-" 

"Because they tried to cover things up by blaming it on the clothes. They tried to reason that a man couldn't control themselves when they see a woman with revealing clothes. Then who is at fault? Nah nah! It is not who you think it is because the society likes to twist things up. The blame goes on the woman for her choice of clothing! But never the man with such disgusted characters! That is the problem." I clasped my hand together.

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