I can barely take the pain of the kicks...

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Gon's P.O.V.

I wake up in a lot of pain. the babies have been kicking furiously and not letting up anytime soon. its only been 6 months and I'm humongous.the only thing that calms them down even the slitest is when Killua sings to them. I enjoy hearing him sing aswell. he has a beautiful singing voice. "Gon? are you ok? is it them kicking a lot again?I can try singing to calm them if you want..." I nod as a response. thats really the only thing that keeps the pain at bay otherwise I'm crying my eyes out from the pain of them kicking furiously.

he starts singing my favorite song. he made it up but its a beautiful song too.

it calms them a lot everytime he sings

"Killua, im so hungry right now. OH! I want egg salad with a pennant butter and sour crout sandwich, with fairy bread too! and a big glass of orange juice! and anchovies." he says "wow your cravings are getting worse, Gon." I glare at him."ok, ok ill go get your food jeez." he says with a pout. I wait ankshously and pout at how long its taking. "KILLUAAAA~ IM HUNGRY!!!" I shout to him. he shouts back"YEAH,YEAH IM COMIN JEEZ!!!" he comes back with the food and I scarf it all down quickly. I'm still hungry tho. "Killua, I'm still hungry..." he sighs and gets more food for me. he's the best!I gobble it all down.

 I lay a hand on my belly wanting to feel a baby kick...he does the same.we are gonna be fathers soon...just  3 more months too go... I can't wait to see the little ones."OW!!!MOTHER FUCKER!!!THAT HURT GUYS!!! DAMN!!!UGH!"I say in a lot of pain."GON?!? ARE YOU OK?!?" I shake my head no. the pain is starting to be unbearable...I already lost a rib to them...they are strong just like us! but fuck does that hurt! I can only imagine what the labor is gonna be like...probably worse then this honestly...im gonna ask the doctors if I can start taking pain pills. its because this is starting to hurt so bad I kind regret wanting kids...no...dont think like that Gon! u have six great children on the way! sure it hurts, but its worth it in the end!"k-kil-lua it really h-h-hurts..." I say trying not to cry."its ok Gon I'm right here next to you! they are just active is all! just think. we are gonna be parents very soon! aren't you happy? just push through this. its gonna be over soon trust me."I nod and fall asleep in his chest snuggling him. he lays a hand on my belly trying to calm them a little.i past out.

what if the two  main protagonists of HunterxHunter had a family? (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now