The Navigators

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Killma's P.O.V.

We got of the boat and headed twords the pine tree on the hill. me and Grendel were strong enough to fight off the monsters that live in the forest, so we were able to go past the town.

We finally get to the top and see the kirikos house! we walk up and knock. As expected, no one answered. I open the door and see someone 'injured'. i say, "i Know you're a Kiriko. infact, we all do. You guys are a family of 4!" i smile at the end. they smirk and say "well, i guess we should show you to the exam now then, huh? even tho, it doesnt start for awhile. A few days actually." we sweat drop. I then say "would it be ok if we stayed here till the day it starts? i dont like cramped places honestly..." they nod and call their family.

next thing We know, there are three kirikos coming in through the window.  "hey honey! when was the last time someone knew we were Kirikos from the start?" " i dont know, but its impressive! say, who are your parents?" me and my siblings smile and say " Gon and Killua of course!" their jaws drop and before they say "really? we miss those kids. how have they been?" i tell them " they've been good. How about you guys?" they all say good and we talk for awhile.

Sry its short guys, but i dont know what else to write. Leave suggestions for a stage of the hunter exam! cuz im out of em. Well, thx for reading my crappy story!

what if the two  main protagonists of HunterxHunter had a family? (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now