month 9: its time.

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Gon's P.O.V.

this is the month... I think to myself as I walk over to the bathroom to puke. its been 2 weeks since this month started and I'm supposedly due any day now. yes I'm happy I'm gonna meet them soon, but its gonna hurt like a mother fucker. its been a long and torturous 9 months but its worth all the pai- "OW!!! ugh...damn...dont tell me its today...I really fucking hope that wasn't a contraction..." I hear Killua grunt and shift in the bed. then I hear him walk over to me. "...whats wrong Gon...? *yawn*" I decide I'm not gonna tell him. "oh its nothing. just a kick is all." he nods and goes too get dressed. I do the same after a few minutes. 

we are all in the kitchen eating breakfast when it happens again. "ow! ugh..." they all look at me worriedly. "are you ok daddy?" Killma asks me. "yeah I'm fine baby. its just one of your siblings kicking." she nods and continues eating. meanwhile Killua is giving me a suspicious look. "are you sure its just a kick Gon? you need to tell me if its not. I'm not gonna be like last time ok? just tell me." I give up. "fine, it wasn't a kick, but I don't know what it was." his eyes go big and he says as calmly as he can "was it a contraction?!? oh god I hope not." I look at him and say "it happen earlier to. and in the same exact spot. so it might be today Killua. lets just be ready just in case." he nods and starts packing anything that I might need. "well so much for going out somewhere today. its safer to stay home if those really were contra- AUGH!!! god damn...there it is again..." Killua looks at me and says "yeah, its definitely today Gon. its just a matter of when now." I nod and slowly get up and walk to were the kids and Alluka are playing. "hey guys, ur gonna meet ur sisters and brothers today. aren't you excited?" they all simotaniously drop everything they are doing and have blank faces. then they suddenly burst out saying "YAY!!! WE ARE GONNA BE BIG SISTORS AND BRWUDORS!!!" they are so damn adorable those kids. "if you hear me say 'the babies are comeing' really loudly, head to the car and get in emidietly ok?" they all nod as Alluka gets up and comes over to me. "is it really today Gonii-chan?" I nod. "yeah it is. I've been getting some contractions all day today- OW!!! there it is again...thats the fourth one today..." she hugs me and says "once its time ill rush the kids to the car. just leave it to me, ok Gonii-chan?" I nod and go back to the couch to sit down. "Killua! comere'! I wanna snuggle!" he comes over to me and sits next to me.

*few hours later*

its been a couple of hours now. I've been having a lot of contractions to. I think it might be time soon. "Killua, I think its gonna be time so- AAAAAAUGH!!!" I look down. "s-shit, my water just b-broke...AUGH!!! DAMMIT!!! THERE COMING!!!AAAAAAAAAAAUGHHHH!!! GET THE DAMN C-CAR KILLUA!!! NOW!!!" oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit. " A-ALLUKA!!! GET THE KIDS TO THE C-CAR!!! HURRY!!!" I then see her running with the kids and Killua running to me. "SHIT!!! IT HUUUUURTS!!!" he picks me up and sits me down in the car. I'm screaming in pain right now. "k-kids, don't worry I'm f-fine AUGH! you are gonna seen them soon o-ok? OW!!! SWEET JALAPEÑOS THAT HURTS!!!" they are all worried since they never saw me like this.

Killma's P.O.V.

Daddy is yelling a lot right now. I'm worried. he keeps saying he is ok but I don't believe him. "Papa? wats wong wit daddy?" papa looks at me for a second and says "he is in labor sweetie. you'll know what that means eventually but I'm not gonna tell you that now. you're too young." I say ok and just stay quiet the rest of the way there.

Killua's P.O.V.

we finally get there and I grab Gon and bust the door down yelling "GET ME A DOCTOR NOW!!!" our doctor comes over and brings us to a room. I lay Gon down on the bed and try to comfort him as best I can. "AUGH!!! K-K-K-KILLUAAAAA!!!" i hold his hand tightly and say " I'm right here Gon! I'm not going anywhere! you can do this hun! cmon'!"

Gon's P.O.V.

im pushing as hard as I can right now. but its doing absolutely nothing for me. I'm only able to continue right now because Killua is doing his best to comfort me and I'm not gonna let it go to waste. "F-FUCKING GOD D-DAMMIT!!! AUGH!!!" I suddenly feel a bit of relief. I got one down, 11 to go...OW!!!

*hours later*

"UGH!!! H-HOW M-MANY LEFT?!? OW!!! MOTHER FUCKER HAVE MERCY THAT HURTS!!!" he looks away from me for a second and says "only 2, keep up the good work young man!"  this shit started at 10:00 and the first one came out at around 12:10ish. its now 5:23 in the morning. "WAAAH!!!" thank god...only one more to go...but I'm so tired..."K-Killua...I wanna sleep...I'm so tired..." he shakes his head and says "Gon! you can't sleep yet! you only have one more to go! cmon babe! do it for me!" I can't ever say no to Killua..."ugh...o-ok...AAAAHH! g-god damn...I have no energy left at all...I c-cant do sorry Killua..." he looks at me with worry. "DOC! how can we get the last one? he's completely drained. he can't go on any further. what do we do now?" he looks at me and says "only option left is a c-section otherwise there is nothing else." I tell him "j-just do it...I can't anymore..." he nods and gets everything ready.

Killua's P.O.V.

I can't believe this...he is gonna have to have a c-section for the last baby...this is gonna be hard to watch. but I can't back out. I need to stay by Gon's side.

*after the c-section*

"Gon...are you ok? they are all healthy. and, we have half n half again." he looks at me and says "thats" he closes his eyes. I let him be, until I see something wrong. oh no.

yes I put a cliffhanger. DEAL WITH IT!!! UwU

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