The boat to the exam

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Killma's P.O.V.

We are on the boat to the exam. Im looking for the captain. Along with Gonna and Yillana. "Ha! These 7 little brats think they can pass the Hunter exam huh?!" I get angry and start up my lightning. Gonna stops me tho. "Not here Killma. Only when we need to" i thank her. "And also, who do you think the other kid is? Grenndel said he wanted to be a hunter aswell so maybe its him." I blush when an image of him smileing comes into my head. I can feel Gonna smirking. "Oh? Does my sister have a cru-" i put a hand over her mouth and "i d-do not! Hes my friend ok?! Nothing more...even if i did...he would never feel the same. Not only is Grendel kind hearted, hes funny, playful, not to mention shy, but...he isn't into me. Yes we are best friends, but hel never like me like that." 

Then i hear a familier voice say "is that you killma?!" I jump at the sound. "GRENDEL?!" I spot him across the deck. We start running tword eachother. We meet up at the middle and hug. "Hehe, i missed you Killma!" He smiled adorably, and i blushed and looked away while saying "i missed you to, Baka." He then puffed out his cheekes and said "im not a Baka!" I smiled and ruffled his hair. We waked over to the rest of the group, Kachan and Deku fighting over who knows what, Kon trying to break it up again. Then i saw the captain. I ran up to him and said "hello, Captain! Do you happen to remember around 23 years ago, these three guys named Kurapika, Leorio, and Gon?" Hes nods and says "why yes, but may i ask how ye know they were on me ship?" I smile and say "they are my two uncles and one of my Dads! Hehe!" He goes wide eyed and says "oh my. Well may i ask who ye Parents are?" I nod and say "Gon Freeces and Killua Zoldyck! My 5 siblings are over there, Gonna takes after Daddy and i take after Papa. But the others are entirely diffrent! Especially Kachan. Daddy says he might get his blond hair from his mom, who he never met. But he considers Grandma Mito his mom."

The entire ship went Quiet at the mention of Papa. Maybe they are scared of him... "tell me kid, Why do ye and your siblings wanna become hunters?" We all look at eachother before we say" cuz we wanna be just like our dads!" He nods and askes Grendel the same question.  "O-oh...i just look up to them and always admired i decided to become one myself." I decide to tell him about my power. 

He askes me if i can create a storm for him so he can weed out the weaker aplicants. i nod and start it up, creating a big thunder cloud.

*after weeding them out and at Zevile Island*

"Good luck to ye Killma. And tell ye Dad i say hello." I nod and say " i certainly will! Bye bye!"

what if the two  main protagonists of HunterxHunter had a family? (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now