Chapter 17: Mission Heal

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"Pietro I have to go," I say, giggling. I have a mission with Natasha and Steve that should last about a week. This is the longest time I would be away from the twins since they moved in. Currently Pietro and I are in my room, but he tackled me in a hug and won't let go.

"You can stay. What is the mission even about?" Pietro says.

"The mission is classified. I can't talk to anyone about it besides Fury, Nat, and Steve. Don't worry I will be back before you know it," I say.

He lets go of his grip, and faces me. "Promise me you will stay safe," Pietro says.

"I promise, now I need to go. Are you trying to get Fury mad at me?" I say and we both chuckle.

"Bye princessa. I love you," Pietro says.

"I love you too, bye," I say, and kiss him. The last kiss I will have for the rest of the week. I break the kiss, and grab my bag. I walked out of my room, and headed to the quinjet to start my mission.


I'm in one of the abandoned hydra bases, trying to get information out of a computer while Natasha and Steve keep people out of my way. Turns out it was not so abandoned as we thought. "Some got past us, y/n. Do you have the information?" Steve says through the comms.

"What happened?" I say, and started to type faster. We are trying to get more information on Rumlow.

"Some got by. My guess is maybe 3," Natasha says. Then 3 men came into the room I was in.

"Yup, I see them now, thanks," I say. I turn around to the men. "Hello boys. Come to play?" I ask.

"Step away from the computer," one of the men says.

"I'm good thanks. Let's dance," I say, and the three men come running at me. This isn't going to be fun. Robots are different than men, and have more skill, just not as much as me.

I flip one over on top of a table, making it break. He groans in pain on the ground. I am fighting the other two at the same time, but failing miserably at stopping them. They got good hits on my legs and arms, leaving bruises. I got some cuts on my face, but I was able to protect myself from deep cuts. "A little help guys would be nice," I say through the comms.

"On our way," I hear Steve say. One of the guys kicks me in the stomach, and makes me fall on the ground. I hit my head hard on the ground, and I groan in pain. I'm going to have a massive headache after this. Before either of them could hurt me, Steve and Natasha knock them out.

"Thanks," I say, and I try to get up, but struggle.

"Nat, get the rest of the information, I'll help y/n," Steve says, and crouches down next to me. "You okay?"

"They got some good hits, but I'm great. Just kinda hard to breath," I say, and I try to get up once more but fail again.

"Here," Steve says, and throws his arm around my waist to help me up.

"Alright it's all on here," Nat says, referring to the flashdrive. "Let's go. More will probably be coming soon." We all got out of the building, and got onto the quinjet. We fly back to the facility, and Steve helps me walk in.

Pietro is there in the living room waiting for me, with Wanda and Vision. "Y/n, you're... What happened to you?" Pietro asks, running over to my side, and checking my body. I wince when he touched my arm, knowing there was probably a bruise there.

"Some guys broke in and I had a rough beating. I'm fine though," I say.

"No you're not. Look at you," Pietro says.

"Wow, what every girl wants to hear from their boyfriend," I say.

"Oh, you know what I mean. Come on, let's get you checked up," Pietro says, and takes Steve's place of helping me. He walks me over to the infirmary where a doctor checks on me.

"She has a concussion, a broken rib, and is bruised up pretty badly. So no electronics, exercising, or bright lights for around 2 weeks," the doctor says.

"This is going to be the worst 2 weeks of my life," I say, and Pietro chuckles. He helps me back into my room, and I take a shower, knowing I smell like blood and sweat. Once I get dressed. I lay down on my bed. I reached for my phone, but Pietro ran in and quickly snatched it away.

"No electronics," Pietro says, and I glare at him. "What, doctors orders. I want you up and running as soon as possible and that's not going to happen if you don't listen to him."

"Since when did you become wise?" I ask.

"Well, whatever you need, ask me, and I'll get it for you okay princessa?" he asks.

"Oh, I can get used to that," I say, and he chuckles. "I just want to cuddle." He walks over to my bed, and lays down next to me. I lay my head on his chest, and wrap my arms around his torso. He wraps his arms around me, and kisses my head.

"I'm sorry this happened to you," Pietro whispers.

"It's not like you did this to me. I've been hurt worse. You know almost died months ago," I say and we both chuckle.

"Well, I'm glad you didn't," Pietro says.

"Me too. It's too early for me to die," I say and we both laugh again. For the next two weeks, Pietro was at your hand and foot. He went to get you fast food, keep you away from electronics, and just stayed with you so you wouldn't be bored. He kept you from dying from boredom, and you were up in running soon.

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