Chapter 26: Check Up

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"I don't see the point of seeing them. I'm fine," I say.

"We don't know everything that they did to you. It's better to be safe than sorry," Pietro says as he walks me to Bruce's lab. He insisted I need to get checked on to see if hydra did anything else to me while I was captured.

Pietro knocked on the door and we heard a soft 'come in'. We opened the door to see Bruce sitting at his desk. "What's going on?" Bruce asks.

"Pietro is being stubborn and is insisting that I need a check up. Do you have time?" I ask. Bruce nods, and I walk over to sit on the table. "I'll see you when I'm done okay?" I say.

"Okay, tell me if something is wrong," Pietro says, and then speeds out of the room like always.

"Okay can you lay down for me?" Bruce asks, and that's what I do. He grabs an object off a different table and walks back over to me. "I will run this over your body, and it will scan it. Ready?" Bruce asks, and I nod.

He holds the object in his hand, and starts at the top of my head. He runs it down all the way down to my toes as red beams come out of it. He walks over to his computer and I follow him. My body pops up on the computer, and I see something is in my high thigh.

"Do you see that? What is that?" I ask, pointing to the small square. Bruce zooms in on it, and it looks like an electric chip.

"It's some sort of taser. If you are in a hydra base, they can send electric shocks through your body making you unable to move," Bruce says.

"They must have put that in when my leg was cut open," I say. "Do you think you can get it out?"

"If I did there would be a good chance you would become paralyzed," Bruce says. This is absolutely great, I thought to myself.

"Can you not tell anyone this? If people know, they won't let me go on any missions. That is probably the only hydra base that can activate it."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Bruce says.

"Come on Green, I will be able to take care of myself. I don't want anyone worrying about me."

"Fine," Bruce says reluctantly.

"Ms. Romanoff, Mr. Stark and Captain Rogers request your presence in the training room," Friday says.

"I will be right there," I say. "Thank you Bruce."

"Anytime," Bruce says. I walk out of the room, and take the elevator down the training room. I walk in to see Tony standing there with a smug smile on his face.

"What do you need, metal man and grandpa?" I ask, annoyed.

"Well I wanted to see hydra's new improvement on the super soldier serum," Tony says.

"So you will be going up against me with different challenges," Steve says.

"Sounds easy enough," I say. "What's first?"

"Sparring," Tony says. Steve and I both step onto the mat, and get ready to spar. "Rules are that there are no rules."

"Then technically aren't you breaking that rule since there aren't supposed to be any," I say with a smirk. Tony just rolls his eyes at me.

"Let's get started," Tony says. I get in my ready stance, and so does Steve. "3, 2, 1," Tony says and the fighting begins. Steve throws a punch at me, but I easily dodge. I kick his legs out from under him, and I grab his wrist pinning him to the ground.

"Definitely gotten stronger," Steve says, and we both chuckle. "Another round?"

"I expect more out of you Captain," I say, and hold out my hand to help him up. Round two starts, and this time I start it with a kick. Unfortunately he catches my leg, but I jump up so I'm sitting on his shoulders. I throw him down to the ground, and I land on my feet.

"Improved skill fighting, if that's even possible. Natasha should watch out," Tony says, which makes me smirk. "Now, running," Tony says and I groan. "Steve's running speed increased so we need to see if it did the same to you."

We walked over to the track that was made for Pietro, and I rarely used it. "First one to complete a mile wins," Steve says and I nod. "Ready, set, go," and then we were off. I began in the lead for the majority of the race, until he came in at the end barely.

"You barely got me there Rogers," I say and he chuckles.

"At least we know your speed increased. But your boyfriend still got you by a long shot," Tony says and I chuckle slightly, since I'm out of breath.

"Anything else we need to do?" I ask.

"Nope you're free to go," Steve says. I say goodbye to both of them, and walk up to my room. I changed out of my clothes, since I was all sweating and got into the shower. I walked out and changed into a pair of leggings and a t-shirt. I brushed my hair and walked out to the kitchen.

I walk in to see Pietro and Wanda in the kitchen and Bruce and Natasha in the living room. I grabbed something to eat and started talking with Pietro and Wanda. "Oh, how did the check up go?" Pietro asks.

"Oh yea how did that go?" Wanda asks.

I know I can't tell Pietro, because he would be a nervous wreck. "Great, everything is normal besides the super soldier serum," I say, and I can see Pietro smile. I can't have him worried about me, it would just kill me.

"Well that's good," Wanda says. "By the way, I think you would be a great leader if it came to that," she says with a smirk.

"What about me?" Pietro asks.

"You're cocky and jump to conclusions. You want to go 30,000 miles per hour when we need to wait things out. Do I need to go on?" she says which makes me chuckle.

"I'm offended you wouldn't think I would be a good leader," I say.

"I never said that," Pietro says. I decided to tease him and just walk away. "Come on princessa I'm sorry!" he yells out.

I turn around to Wanda, "Do you hear someone?"

"Nope," Wanda says with a smirk. I turn back around and walked to my room.

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