2. Life goes on

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MAY 2015: 

Tuesdays were never my favorite day, not sure why, never liked them. I feel like bad things happen on Tuesdays. As I woke up and got myself ready for work I couldn't shake this feeling in my gut something was wrong. My first thoughts were my parents! I sent my mother a quick text. 

To Mom: 

Hiiiii! I miss you and dad! Just wanted to check in. How was your weekend? Any fun plans this week? 

As I continue with my morning routine I make my daily cup of coffee, shower, and put on my black jeans and a black top I am thankful when I hear my phone buzz. 

From Mom: 

Good Morning Darling! We miss you very much! Weekend was wonderful. No plans for this week. Maybe we can get lunch one day. Let me know. Lots of Love -Mom

My heart settles reading that message, they were fine, everything is fine! Alaina there's no need to worry. I re-read the message to ensure myself everything was okay, I chuckle reading how my mom always ends her messages, as if I don't know they are from her. I send her a quick reply before leaving for work. 

To Mom: 

I would love to! Thursday works best for me. I have a hole from 11:30 to 2:00. Love you!

The morning continues on like any other day, my 15 minute drive to work only took 12 which was a nice surprise, however when I arrived Free Falling by John Mayer was playing so I sat an extra minute and a half to finish the song, this was one of my favorite songs! I hummed along to the tune while scrolling through Instagram and Twitter. When I see the clock reads 9:00am I leave my car and go into the salon. 

It was a slow day at the salon salon, my two coworkers Justin and Silvia decided they wanted to do may hair. And I must say they were both too excited when I agreed. Silvia and I didn't have clients until 10:30 and Justin's 9:30 called in and cancelled. So the morning was spent with my hair in foils, discussing the latest and greatest. 

After an hour my hair was done, with the roots now blonder than before it takes a moment for me to adjust to my reflection

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After an hour my hair was done, with the roots now blonder than before it takes a moment for me to adjust to my reflection. "Wow! I love it guys, thank you!" I tell them. 

"No hun, thank you! You know I love doing that head of yours" Justin tells me, "You look great!" 

"All thanks to you" I reply. As I hear the front door open I see Mrs.Welbert slowly walk in. Her small figure covered in a large sweater, her white roots very prominent compared to the red dyed ends. 

"Hello Mrs.Welbert, you ready?" I question. 

"Yes dear. Look at this mess on my head! I am most certainly ready." She says as she makes her way over to my chair. 

Mrs.Welbert has been coming to the salon for over 15 years! I have been her stylist for 2 now, she comes in every couple of weeks to get her hair dyed a fiery red. She says she does it because it reminds her husband of their early days, when they first met. She tells me once they got engaged and she began teaching she went back to her naturally dark hair color. But that all changed when her husband had a small stroke, she wanted him to remember her like when they first met. So since then and since he passed she continues to come in and get it colored. 

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