13. Little Black Dress

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JUNE 21, 2015


It's been two days since mine and Alaina's interaction at the club, and honestly I was surprised the next day when she texted me asking if I actually did want to take her out. Which I then proceeded to call her and tell her I did want to indeed. So now we are all in Gothenburg, Sweden and I have a perfect date set up for us. 

I told her I would pick her up at 7pm at her hotel room. The boys and I have spent the day writing and recording a few potential songs on the new album. This time around has been easier and some ways and a lot harder in others. Being down a member we have had to adjust the whole dynamic of the band, especially when it came to writing new songs. 

We just finished working out the harmonies for our first single of the new album and we are currently just sitting in Louis' room just hanging out. I am a bit nervous for tonight since it's our first date and those are always nerve racking, but even more nervous since she's my best mate's sister. Which I still need to talk to him about. I figured Alaina didn't say anything because I know Niall would have talked to me. 

I look over to Niall as he picks a sequence of notes from his guitar. "Hey mate. Can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask him. 

"Yeah H. What's going on?" He  questions back. 

I can see Louis and Liam turn their heads. "Well, it's kinda private. Could we go talk in my room?" I hope he agrees because I really don't want to have this conversation in front of the other boys. 

"Of course! Let me grab my things and we can head over." Niall stands and begins to pack up. 

Once both he and I have collected our stuff we made our way down the hall to my room. Even thought the walk was really short I could still feel my hands starting to clam up and my heart begin to race. 

We made our way in and Niall sat down on the chair by the table as I made my way over to the foot of the bed and sat down. 

"Okay Haz, what's going on? You're kinda scaring me here." Niall's eyes search for mine as I look around the room not being able to focus on him. 

I take a moment and breath, not knowing how this is going to go. "Well, I'm not really sure how to say this, it has never really applied before." I look back down at my feet. "I am kinda taking Alaina out on a date tonight." I mumble my words hoping he wouldn't be too upset. 

"What do you mean you are kinda taking her out?" He responds. 

"Well I asked her out on a date and she said yes. So in about 2 hours I am going to go pick her up and we are going to dinner." I say with a more confident voice knowing this is something I really want to do. 

"Harry, why didn't you talk to me before you asked her?" 

"Mate, honestly, I have been thinking about it and it just kinda came up and I did it." I wasn't fully lying, but I was definitely the one that started the conversation with her. 

Niall stands from the chair and starts pacing. "I don't know if this is a good idea Haz. I mean half the world already think shes my girlfriend, or that shes pregnant or whatever else. The last thing I need is her being seen out with you and then its a cheating scandal that none of us need. "

"I understand that. I know how bad it can get if we were seen out together so that's why I made sure we won't be seen!" I try to explain to him that I know what I am doing. 

He looks up to me, "Harry, I know you. I know you're a good guy and kind at heart but I don't think this is a good idea. It can turn really bad, really fast!" 

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