5. Oh brother!

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(a/n: as I looked through Olivia Holt's Instagram for pictures I saw this and really thought it was Niall... sadly it wasn't but I still wanted to put it in)

MAY 23, 2015: 

~ HARRY'S P.O.V. ~

The whole jet ride consisted of Niall bouncing his legs up and down nervously. I understand why, his mother needed to see him 'urgently.' I don't ever think that could be good! 

The plane ride didn't take too long then we landed in Mullingar. We all hurried into the car that was waiting to take us to his parents house. They lived about 25 minutes from the airport, and in that time Niall's thoughts ran wild. 

"Oh god, what if she's sick? What if she got into a car accident?" Niall went on and on about the possibilities of what could have happened. We all assured him multiple times that she sounded fine on the phone, he shouldn't worry. But then he freaked out even more because he couldn't recall if she sounded alright or not on the phone. All I could think was these 25 minutes are going to be the death of this boy. 

When we finally arrived at his parents house we all slowly made our way up the steps to the front door. It was around 7:30pm and the sun was slowly setting behind us. Niall looked around and saw both of his parent's car in the drive way. Well at least there wasn't an accident. 

He walked up to the door and knocked. As his mother opened the door, a huge sigh left his body. "Mum, are you alright, are you hurt, is everything okay? Where's dad?" Niall rambled on. 

"Honey, I'm fine! Your father's fine! No one is hurt!" She tells him while hugging tightly trying to calm his nerves. 

She looks over at the three of us standing on the porch by the door. "Oh boys, I've missed you all so much" she says as she waves us into the house. 

"Hello Mrs. Horan, thanks for allowing us to crash your family meeting" I tell her with a soft smile. 

A few chuckles leave her lips and it settles me knowing whatever this is she is able to laugh through it. "Nonsense Harry, you are family!" she tells me. 

"Now, if you boys can excuse myself and Niall for a moment I need to speak with him in private." We all nod as her and Niall walk away into the living room as the boys and I make our way to the back patio. 

We sit and talk about nothing in particular, it feels like its been at least 20 minutes that they have been talking. That is, until the back door opens and is slammed shut. We all look up to find a very upset Niall storming off the patio towards the back garden. 

"Hey, mate, are you alright?" I tried getting him to stop. He simply just shook his head and walked off, heading to the small covered pathway that's connects to the guest house. 

"Ummm... Okay?" Liam says in confusion a Niall begins to pace back and forth. 

Louis cleared his throat, "You think one of us should--"

The back door is opened again to reveal a girl, a beautiful girl I might add. She has brilliant blue eyes, short dirty blonde hair with darker roots showing through. She had on a pair of blue jeans a green blouse that fit her all too well. As she ran past us she kicked her white heeled shoes off and began to run towards Niall, not really even seeing us. 

They were quite a ways away but we could still hear the yelling, "What the hell!" The girl yelled at him. She was American. 

Niall said something I couldn't quite hear, whatever it was it cause the girl to fake a laugh, "You think this isn't hard for me too?" After she said that she glanced at us, dropping her voice low to tell him something we couldn't hear. 

Then she stormed her way back into the house. When she passed us she leaned down to pick up the shoes she had kicked off earlier to help her run. 

"Do you like carrots?" Louis looks at her and says. 

Oh my god, why would you say that? Can't you tell that she is mad? We really need to talk to him about girls. Shoes in her hand, she turns to him narrowing her eyes. I wish she would look at me so I could get a better look at her eyes. 

"I love carrots." She says as she opens the back door and walks back into the Horan residence. I looked over at Louis and he looked over at us, "I don't know about you lot, but I like her already." 

Liam and I smiled at him, really unsure what to say and unsure to what the hell just happened. 


I sighed once I got into the house, I can't believe he thinks this is hard for him. Him of all people! I just found my real parents and my two new brothers, and Maura had just met her daughter she hasn't seen in over 22 years after giving her up. And it's hard for him? 

God, I knew that siblings fought, but this sure is new. "I'm sorry Maura. " I said when I saw her sitting on the couch with tears pooling in her eyes. 

"Don't be, sweetheart, it's not your fault. I understand it's a lot to take in. I guess something this personal for Niall being hidden from him for years is reason enough to make him upset."

I nodded, the let out a light laugh. "And I'm sorry if you heard me yelling at him." I hoped to cheer her up. I hardly know her but I hate to see her cry, it makes me want to cry.

 She laughed, "Yes, only the first part. Don't worry, honey, he's just in shock. he'll come around." 

I smiled and sat next to her on the couch. "Is it a problem that I came?" I ask, now wondering if everyone would have been better off if I never made this trip up. 

She gasped, "Oh no, don't even think that! It's a miracle that you came, I have always dreamed of meeting you." She kissed my cheek, "Don't ever think that." 

A huge grin grew on my face as I looked at this woman, my mother. My mother, the one who I also dreamed of meeting for a such a long time! And here she is now, in front of me, kissing my cheek, consoling me after my brother's and I first fight. I never thought any of the words would have come out. 

The door opened and Niall walked through, "Mum, why didn't you tell me?"

Niall had a lighter kind of blonde hair than me, and my eyes are a darker blue while his are a sky blue. There really isn't much the same about us- we're like night and day. 

Maura sighed, "I am so sorry Niall... I just, I was scared to tell you because I knew you would be mad at me."

He looked at me and smiled. Maura look at us, she could tell we needed a moment to ourselves. "Well, I'll leave you two, I guess you two want to talk" she says excusing her self from the living room . 

I sighed, "I'm sorry I yelled at you and and cussed you out in front of your friends." 

He laughed, "It's alright." He thought for a second, finding something to say, "So do you like our music?"

I pulled my eyebrows together, "Huh?" He looked taken back. "Oh your band, One Direction right?" I say ad he slowly nods. "I haven't heard much of y'alls stuff. Listened to a few tracks on the radio here and there. But wouldn't consider myself a fan though.... sorry" 

Niall chuckles, "It's alright, no hard feelings! Just gives me something to try to persuade you to like!" I laugh at his attempt to make a conversation. 

"Well my best friend Courtney, shes a pretty big fan of you guys, so I think she will definitely be excited to know I'm related to THE NIALL HORAN!" We share a laugh. 

He looks up at me with a small grin, " So you want to come meet the boys?" he asks shyly. 

I nod in agreement as we stand from the couch. 



Well... That just happened. 

Look out for the next chapter! Alaina is going to officially meet the boys!! 

xx G

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