30. Sleepless in Seattle

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(a/n: welcome back babes! I LOVE EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! 
-school has been CRAZY but I am finally getting a little break to write
Little reminder, if you enjoy the chapter remember to vote(click the little star), and comment your thoughts too! I will add a little area to ask the characters questions at the end and will add those responses to the next chapter!! ENJOY!!)


"Come with me," he says reaching for my hand. 

I hold on to his as we make our way to the elevator. The memories of our first date flooding back, feeling his fingers intertwined with mine we begin moving up. The doors open to a rooftop, unlike our first date there is no restaurant, no rose petals. Its just a rooftop. The late July breeze hits me with a small chill. Even in the summer the northwest got a little cold. 

I think Harry noticed my shiver and he soon began to pull his gray sweatshirt off and moved it towards me. 

"Thanks Haz" I said, sliding the material over my head I am soon consumed by that familiar scent of vanilla and his cologne. "So what did you want to talk about?" 

We had made our way to the edge of the roof and we were both leaning over the the edge staring at the moving city below. I hear his breath hitch as he prepares to speak. 

"I wanted to talk about us." 

It was a simple statement, six words, not meant to be complex. But for us I knew it was. "And what about?" 

"I wanted to ask you-- just see if we were on the same page." his voice low. 

Turning my head to face him, his hair is pulled up into a low bun, with a few loose curls on the bottom. "Um.. okay. Well what page do you think we are on?" 

"Well, I think- I know I like you. And I hope you like me too, and I want to get to know you better and continue to explore our relationship, well I know you don't like to call it that- not that you wouldn't but-" 

"Harry," I breathe out turning my body to face him. "You don't have to do that, not around me okay. Just take a breath and just tell me what you are feeling right now." 

His hands are on his lips, he is tugging his bottom lip. He slowly pushes his body up from the edge and turn towards me. Bringing his hands to my face he cups my face, his thumb slowly moving back and forth. "Alaina, Angel. I like you. A lot. And I want to be with you, I want to hold your hand and be able to kiss you, I want to fall asleep with you in my arms." 

"Harry, I want all those things too but you know that--

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he says. 

Words I was not expecting him to ever say. Girlfriend. I haven't been someone's girlfriend since Jake and that turned into a shit show. Girlfriend. Being with Harry made me happy but how would other people react. Girlfriend. This would mean dating my brother's friend, and band mate. Girlfriend. I would be able to call Harry mine. Girlfriend. I would get so much hate from the public, the bands image could falter. Girlfriend. We would be connected in a way no one else would be. 

"Angel?" his voice calls me. 

Blinking a few times I focus my eyes back on his. "Yeah, sorry I was just processing" 

"I know its a lot to take in  Lains, but I want this. I want you like I've never wanted something before. And it kills me every second we aren't together." he pleads. 

I reach my hand out and cup his cheek, my fingers slowly moving back and forth. "I'm just worried Haz, what if this doesn't work out, and one of us gets hurt?" 

"Alaina, listen to me. I can't promise you anything right now, I don't know how long we will be together, if we will break up, who will get hurt. But in this moment, I can promise you I will do everything in my power to make sure I'm the one hurting in the end. I would never want you to feel that." He makes it sound so simple. 

"Harry, if we are going to do this no one can know." I say. 

He looks at me with his green eyes piercing into mine. "Not even Niall?" 

Taking a deep breath I say the words I have been dreading. "He has to know. I can't hide something like this from him. he's my brother after all." 

"Okay Angel, so we will do this? We will tell the other guys and you can tell Courtney but other than that it is just us?" his words summing up the plan.

I nod. Before even saying anything his lips are on mine, moving slowly but with passion. His arms move to my waist pulling me closer to him. His tongue glides against my bottom lip asking for permission to enter my mouth, allowing him the access the kiss deepens. 

Slowly pulling away from each other our foreheads touching, both our breathing is heavy. 
"I am so happy your officially now mine, and I can do that whenever I want." he whispers. 

"Me too" I respond with a smile, leaning up giving him a quick kiss. 

 I slowly feel Harry lean down and scoop his arms under my legs, picking me up bridal style. I can't help but laugh at his actions. "Harry! What are you doing?" I scream out in between laughs. 

"I am taking you to bed, my bed," he whispers in my ear sending chills all down my spine.


With Alaina in my arms I struggle to pull my keys from my pockets. Its not until her hands reach down and pull it out. Swiping the plastic card in and out the green light signals and I am quick to push the handle down. Tonight has turned into one of the best nights of my life. I have been able to officially call Alaina my girlfriend and I just know now that we are on the same page, and it has never felt better. Knowing I will be able to sleep next to her and share with her a part of me that has been closed off for a long time is relieving.  

Walking towards the bed I release my arms and let Alaina fall onto the bed, she giggles as she bounces a bit before reaching her hands around my neck pulling me towards her. This girl doesn't even know the effect she has on me. Leaning in I press our lips together, the kiss is hungry and needy. I know she wants more and so do I. 

Pulling away from her I see her pout her lips, it takes everything in my to not go back in and grab her bottom lip between my teeth. I kneel down in front of her and grab her leg. I begin to untie her tennis shoes she had on and throw them across the room. I can already hear her laughing at my actions. Once her shoes are off I stand back up and press both my hands into the bed on either side of her. 

I look at her, shes leaning back on her elbows, her blonde hair messy and natural, my grey jumper keeping her warm. "Why are you looking at me like that?" her sweet voice asks. 

"Because you are the most beautiful angel I have ever seen," I admit. "I am just thinking about all the things I could do to you." 

She wiggles her eye brows at me, "Oh yeah?" I can sense the playfulness in her tone. 



A/N: please read there's lots of info about the book 
OH MAY GOD! This chapter crushed me, mentally and physically! I am so sorry it took so so long, I just wanted everything in it to be perfect. 

I wanted to let y'all know as far as the book goes we are about to kick things into high gear and get this story going! We will only have a couple more chapters and the timeline will jump around a bit. 

Again, school is crazy crazy so please bear with me, follow me here and I post updates as well as Alaina's Instagram. I always have extra pictures and stories on there of the chapters so if you want that extra content it is there! 

love you all so so much!

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