15. Our First Fight

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June 22, 2015 


I lay in the hotel bed, my head propped up on a pillow, my legs crossed and my arms by my side. Staring at the ceiling like I have been for the past six hours. The sun has now risen and the warm orange light shines in through my room. I didn't want to get up or do anything and I was very thankful there wasn't a show until tomorrow night.  

I am surprised to hear a knock at my door. I groan as I get up to see who it is. Looking through the peep hole I see a head of dirty blonde hair and icy blue eyes staring up at me. 

I open the door, "Hey Niall" I say enthusiastically. 

"Jesus Lains, what happened to you?" he questions. 

I know I look like trash, I haven't slept I cried last night and I really just want to be alone right now. "Nothing happened I just didn't have a good night."

Niall scoots past me into my hotel room making his way over to the bed and sitting back on the bed looking at his phone. "Oh why not? What happened?"

"Um, not sure if it's anything you would want to know." I tell him honestly, especially since he doesn't know Harry asked me out. 

His eyes search for mine, setting his phone next to him. "Alaina, you're my sister, you're on tour with me. I care about anything that goes on in your life." He chuckles, "especially if its got you looking like that."

"HA HA! Very funny." I roll my eyes at him and sit on the bed next to him. "Okay but honestly I really don't know how to tell you this." I look down to my feet and take a breath. 

"Nothing you can say will change my opinion about you Lains." Niall puts his hands on my shoulder. 

"Well I went on a date last night..." I say quietly waiting for his response. 

"Hey! That's good right! Who's the lucky guy?" His positive attitude surprising me a bit. 

I look over to him not really sure how he's about to react. "Um.. Harry" 

He nods his head. "Oh wow! And was it a good date?" 

Wait what? Why was he not freaking out? How is he not reacting more to this? 

"Yeah... well... It was a really good date honestly." I tell him as he nods his head. 

"But?" He questions

"But it didn't end like I thought. Well not that I thought- I mean- I didn't--"

"Alaina" Niall cuts me off. "Breathe, your fine! Just breathe." 

I take a few deep breaths. "Okay. So, the night started perfect, he picked me up at my door, took me to dinner. He held my chair out for me all the cliche stuff. We had dinner and talked, had a really good talk." I can see Niall smiling at me. "Then I went over to the big windows, Harry came and held me while we watched the lit up city." 

"I'm sorry, but am I missing something?" He asks. "This all sounds good to me."

I nod, "It was more than good, it was amazing. If got late so he walked me to my door, we hugged, for a good amount of time." I scrunch my nose, "Well I tried to kiss him and he totally rejected me." 

I see Niall's eyes widen as he looked down at his feet. 

"Niall, why are you making that face?" I question. 

He looks up to me scrunching his face, "Well... that one may not be Harry's fault." 

"WHAT?" I shout standing from the bed looking down at him. "What do you mean not his fault?"

He stands up, walking over to the window. "Well, Harry may have told me about your date yesterday, I may have gotten mad at him about it. And I may have told him he couldn't kiss you." His words were mumbled and quiet hoping I would hear. 

"And I am guessing by 'may have' you actually did?" I shoot back. 


"Niall, how could you do that?" I start to walk to him. 

He turns around and looks down at me, "because Alaina, you are my sister and it's my job to protect you." 

I was mad, furious. I just spent all of last night questioning myself and what I did when the whole time it wasn't even me! 

"Niall, I have been protecting myself for over 20 years, I think I can continue to do it all on my own." I know this is harsh but it was true. 

His head hangs low, "I know, I know you have. And that's over 20 years that I have missed. I am sorry I stepped in." 

I could see he really did feel bad. I knew he meant no harm when he told Harry that but I also knew he just wanted to protect his sister. 

"Aren't I supposed to be the one looking out for you?" I say with a smile. "I am older after all." 

I see him raise his head, our shared blue eyes looking into one another's. "Alaina, if I didn't know any better I think we just survived our first fight." 

"That we did little bro" I say walking over and giving him a hug. 

I was happy that we were able to stop fighting, it's not like it felt like a real fight for long. It was one of those fights with your siblings, something I never thought I would get to experience. 

"Now come on, we are all hanging out in Liam's room." Niall says walking over to the door. 

I start walking but am met with my horrible reflection as I pass the mirror. "Actually, i'll meet you there! I am going to get changed and stuff first!" 

"Okay good, I mean I wasn't going to say anything but--" I push his head out the door closing it behind him. 

Today was going to be a good day. 



Short little sibling chapter for y'all! Thanks for all the love and support! 

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow :) 

Big things coming in the next one! 


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