14. ...And let me kiss you

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JUNE 21, 2015


It's been two days since mine and Harry's interaction at the club, I texted him the next morning asking if he actually did want to go on a date. He then proceeded to answer my text with a phone call ensuring me he did and that he would pick me up at 7:00pm tonight. 

I was on FaceTime with Courtney getting ready for Harry's and I's date. As I did my makeup Court kept going on and on about what she thought the night would consist of. I really didn't care what we did, I was just excited to be able to share an evening with him. 

"Al, I am so excited for you! You are going to have the best time!" Courtney tells me through the phone. 

"I am excited too, but I am still nervous I don't know what any of this means or what it could lead to" I admit. 

"Have you told Niall? What did he say?" She asks me a question that I have been avoiding. 

I bite my lip, "Um.. well I didn't really tell him." I confess to her. 


"Court! I was going to wait until after the date to tell him. I mean tonight could go really bad and then if I told him that could lead to awkwardness between everyone"

"But what if it goes well Alaina? Then what? How do you think he would feel that you kept it form him." 

I let out a loud sigh. "I know, I know. But I just didn't know what to say to him. I think waiting to see how the night goes is the best option."

"Alright, Alright!" She sasses. "But you are going to have to tell him"

"I know!"

It was 6:58pm when Harry arrived at my door. He was dressed in an all black suit, he looked so handsome. I wasn't sure what I did to deserve this night with him. "Looks like we are matching" I tell him acknowledging our choice of black. 

"Indeed we are Angel." that all too familiar accents says to me. My cheeks blushing from that nickname. 

Our hands intertwined he takes me up to the hotel's rooftop restaurant that he reserved just for us. The set up was beautiful, the single dressed table covered in rose petals. A bunch of small candles lit around the table. 

He pulled my chair out for me like the gentleman he is. He sits in the chair across from me. "Alright Alaina!" He says catching my attention. "I want to know everything about you." he says. 

I laugh at his request. "Okay, What would you like to know?"

"Everything, but we can take it slow" He brings is hands up to his chin. "Favorite Color? Most embarrassing moment? Biggest fear? You know the basics." 

I think about his questions. I scrunch my nose of the thought of the 7th grade science fair, when I threw up all over Tom, the boy who I had the biggest crush on. And from that day on I will never eat sushi again. 

"So do I get to ask you some questions too?" I ask after answering his questions.

"Well that's only fair Angel" he tells me. 

So I ask him all the things I have wondered, but I mainly wanted to know his favorite song. As a man who's life is music I knew his favorite song would tell me a lot about him. 

He begins to answer all my questions, "Um shampoo I don't really know the name its blue. You can ask Lou. And favorite song is probably Free Fallin' by John Mayor" My heart stops. 

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