10. Brussels, Belgium

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JUNE 11, 2015 


We had just landed in Brussels, Belgium after a short flight from Austria. The boys don't have a show until Saturday so we had the night to relax and the day tomorrow to explore. Its only been three shows with them and I am already having the time of my life! 

Niall was the most excited about showing me around the world. Though he knew most of the time I would have to do most of the exploring on my own. He was able to take me to dinner in Vienna, but we weren't able to do much after that. Once the paparazzi found out where we were eating it was a mess trying to get back to the hotel. The best part was opening up Twitter the next day where #NiallGetsSerious #HoranOfficiallyTaken were trending. Since the day the airport pictures were leaked people automatically assuming I was his new girlfriend became a big joke between all of us. 

As we pull into the hotel where we would be staying the next 3 nights, a sea of men and women with cameras around their necks is formed on both sides of the main entrance. As myself and the four boys and Paul hop out of the van and wiggle our way into the lobby. 

Once we are checked in I make my way to my room on the 7th floor where all of us would be staying. I am greeted by a single king sized bed, with small gift package thanking me for choosing their hotel chain. I begin to hang my dresses and unpack my bags into the drawers. I know post people wouldn't even bother unpacking, but doing this is something the was consistent where ever we went. 

As I finish placing my make-up in the bathroom I hear a knock on my door. As I open it 4 boys enter in without being invited in, I guess that's what I will have to get used to for the next month.

"Alright Lains, are you done in here yet? " Niall asks as he flops onto my bed. 

"Yes sir! Just finished up! What are y'all wanting to do?" I ask the boys. 

Louis sits against the window, while Liam pulled the chair from the desk and took a seat. Harry is standing next to the dresser with his arms crossed. 

"I am STARVING!" Niall shouts, as he lifts himself resting his weight on his elbows. 

"Can we get pizza?" Harry adds in. 

"YES!" Louis exclaims jumping up from the windowsill. 

I walk over to the closet located by the bathroom door and grab my fluffy beige zip-up sweater. "Niall, can you look up a place around here" I tell him, as he pulls his phone out. "Somewhere that's open at this hour too!" 

As we make our way down to the lobby, we use the back employee entrance in hopes of not being spotted by anyone. Surprisingly we make it all the way to the restaurant with only a few fans stopping for pictures, which I happily take for them. Seeing the boys be able to make one person's year with just a hug is a special thing to witness, and something I will never get tired of seeing. 

We ordered a couple of pizzas and started our path back to the hotel. 

"Oh look at this bridge!" Louis shouts while running over to it.  "I say we have an impromptu picnic" 

"Yes!" Niall adds, "Anything if I can just eat right now" 

So we all gather in a small circle holding our pizza boxes as we munch away. Each of us with struggling to balance our box and eat at the same time. As I enjoy my pizza I look around at these four boys who have completely changed my life for the better. I see Liam struggling the most. "Liam, you've got a little something-" I motion to his chin. 

 I see Harry take out his phone and take a picture of Liam who has pizza sauce on his chin. We all laugh at the moment, and I'm thankful Harry took a picture to remember this night by. "Hey H, will you send me that picture?" I ask. "Want to remember this night for a long time"  

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