4. Surprise...

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MAY 23, 2015: 


I laid on the couch in the studio, "I am beat." 

Liam laughed, "Me too mate, its been a long week!"

 Seriously, we have been recording and writing all week. We were given a few weeks off after the Asian leg of tour before Europe started. It was nice to have a few weeks off. I went home, got to see my mum and dad. But now we are back to the grind, writing, recording, re-writing, re-recording. It was the cycle we went through. 

Since Zayn left we have been running around trying to break up the songs that were already written and trying write new song. It's hard trying to find this new dynamic with the band. Everything is changing. Sometimes I wish I could just stop time and just be able to breath a bit  and adjust, but that's not the life we live. When life hits you with something you just have to go with it. 

"You know what I feel like, a good ol' trip to Nandos. Like the old days" Louis shouted, breaking me from my thoughts. I am honestly really hungry, but when am i not. 

"Yes!" I agreed jumping up, not tired anymore. 

Harry and Liam eagerly agree knowing we have been at this for hours and there is no point in just sitting around. 

We all raced outside. Liam almost tripped in the process. We shared a laugh and continued on outside jumping into the van. 

"TO NANDO'S!" Louis shouted to Paul and we all settled in. 

We talked about anything and everything on the way, except the album, we all just needed a mental break. My phone started to ring. I lean over on Harry as I reach into my back pocket. The screen read "Mum" I smiled before answering, "MUM!" 

All the boys yelled it too, greeting her. She laughed on the other end, "Niall, honey, I really need to talk to you." 

"Umm, okay?" I said confused, all the boys looked at me strangely. 

She sighed, "So... I really would rather not tell you over the phone. Are you able to come home? Like today?" 

I widened my eyes, "Oh, I don't know... I mean we are on a break from recording right now, we were heading to dinner, but I can ask." I'm not sure why she is asking for me to come home like this, I begin to worry. 

"Thank you honey, it's really urgent... Oh god- I have to go. Please hurry"  And with the the call clicks off. I look down at my phone weirdly wondering what this is all about. 

"Whats was that about?" Liam asks, looking at me while tilting his head in question. I shrugged. 


"Yeah" he answered, looking ahead at the road. 

"Can I go see my parents?" I quietly ask. 

"Yeah! You guys are making great progress. We can make some time in the week and-"

"No, no, my mum just called. She really needs me. Right Now" I cut him off. "I promise I can be back in 2 days tops! Please" 

Paul sighed thinking, "I don't know Niall... I can't think of how you will find a flight and then the media will be a zoo." 

"Please? She sounded really worried." I begged, all the boys pitched in, "PLEASE??" He laughed, "I guess that's fine but you have to be back by Tuesday 5pm! That's when management is coming in to do the first listen of the songs." 

"Deal!" I reply happily. "Can you start heading to the airport now?"

"Can we go too?" Louis asked me. "Please Nialler!!!" Harry joined. "Come on mate! You know you want us too." Liam finished. And they were right, I did want them there. I didn't know what kind of news this was and having the lads there would really help. 

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