18. Malabami

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JULY 1, 2015 


The past few days at home have been very eventful, from telling the world about Alaina to learning the truth from out our parents. It was nice to have some time at home with the family and having Alaina with us did feel really good. When I asked her to stay the weekend after the tour I wasn't sure if she would want to, so it came to a very happy surprise once she said yes! And since she was already agreeing to this past weekend I asked her to stay around longer and come with me to California for 4th of July weekend and come to the our first show in the states. Thankfully she said yes so we are currently waiting on the plane to land at LAX. 

"Niall!! I am so excited I have never been to California before!" Alaina says after the crew announced we were getting ready for departure. 

"Alaina, you have been all over Europe and to a bunch of new places and you weren't as excited as you are now!" I laugh to her. 

She laughs along with me, "Well you were working those times and this time you aren't. We get to just hang out and relax."

"That is very true!" I say very excited to have a few days off.  

The plane finally lands and we make our way to the car waiting for us. Thankfully the Los Angeles airport had a back entrance for high profile people so we didn't have to worry about paparazzi or fans coming up to us. 

Getting into the black SUV Alaina's eyes keep wandering around taking in everything around her. "This place is amazing!" She says admiring the views of the city. 

"Just wait until we get to the coast line, those views are gorgeous." I tell her. 

With her head still facing out the window she asks, "So where exactly are we staying? Do you have a place here?"

Well... there it was. The one little detail I was keeping from her about the trip. "Yeah I do actually, but my house is in L.A. and were going to be staying in Malibu." I tell her. 

"Oh so are we going to a hotel or something?" Her eyes still looking to the city. 

"Well.. Um..." I stutter. "We're staying at Harry's"  I finally let out. 

Her head whips around to look at me. "What do you mean we're staying at Harry's?" 

"He has a house up here, with 6 bedrooms so we all decided to stay at his place for the weekend." I mumble. 

She shakes her head at me. "And you didn't think to tell me this because...?" 

"I knew you would have said no. And we are going to have so much fun! So don't worry about it yea?" At this point I'm just hoping she doesn't want to go home. 

Alaina turns her head back to the view. "Okay that's fine. Can we please just not make it a big deal about it?" 

"Yeah." I nod ending the conversation. 

The rest of the ride was a quiet one. I knew that Alaina wouldn't feel the most comfortable staying at Harry's but I knew she would have said no if she knew. I was however very excited for the surprise I got for her. It was definitely something that would make this upcoming week a whole lot better. 



The car pulled up to a beautiful mansion on the hill, it came to no surprise that Harry had a house like this. It's really easy to forget these boys are multi-millionaires, when to me they are just lads who happen to have cool job. 

After the initial shock of staying here I quickly got over myself and realized that it really wasn't that big of a deal. Niall said I would have my own room and space so if I wanted sometime to myself that would be easy. He also mentioned something about a surprise, which I really didn't know what to expect. 

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