17. Home Sweet Home

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(a/n: this is a bit of a long chapter... I started writing and it just kinda happened, and I didn't know where to split it up. SO enjoy!!)

JUNE 29, 2015 


The European leg was finally over, 24 days, 8 shows, endless memories. Being able to join Niall and the boys on tour was such an amazing experience. It was crazy to think that just a little over a month ago I was flying to Mullingar to meet my family for the first time, and now Niall and I are flying back for the weekend. The plan was for me to leave after Finland but my little brother convinced me to go home with him for a few more day. Which then also became going with him to California for 4th of July weekend and staying until the San Diego show.  

So now that's where I am, on a plane landing in Dublin to spend the next few days with my birth family. I was feeling a little overwhelmed since they asked me to stay with them and not a hotel so I couldn't just run away in the evening like last time. On the other hand, I was very excited to be able to talk with Maura and Bobby some more, I was still very curious about what happened 23 years ago. 

Niall and I made our way off the plane and through the airport. As soon as we walked through the doors after customs the flashes started. A sea of people crowded over to us with cameras, cellphones, microphones. Niall suspected this would happen since the tour was over he knew people expected him to come home, we had two security guards with us, but that was no where near enough for the crowd that waited us. 

"Lains, just keep your head down." Niall says to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder keeping me close protecting me from the wave of flashes that just kept coming. "We are going straight to the car, someone will grab our bags." 

I keep my mouth shut and my head down as we slowly make our way over to the black car waiting for us. My brown puffy coat was way too hot for the humid summer air that hit us as soon as we walked through the exit. I knew there was no time to take it off so I suffered through the heat. As soon as Niall opens the backdoor to the SUV we jump in and close it quickly behind us. 

"Shit" Niall cusses under his breath. "I am so sorry, I knew there would be some people waiting for us but I did not expect that! Alaina I am so sorry that--"

"Hey! Hey, it's okay Niall! I know this is just part of it," I try to consul him. "It honestly doesn't bother me. We are here, we are safe, that's all that matters okay?" 

His icy blue eyes looking to my darker blue ones. "Thanks for being so understanding through all of this." 

"Anything for you little brother" I give him a soft smile. 

My heart crushes seeing the poor boy in front of me. I know he loved this job, it was his whole life and I know he wouldn't change anything in his life. But as our matching eyes look into each other's I can't help but picture the life we would have lived if I wouldn't have been adopted, if Niall never auditioned for the X-Factor. Where would we be today, what memories would we have created.

These thoughts, these stories I created in my head keep me busy during the hour or so drive to Mullingar. As the car pulls into the familiar estate my nerves begin to rise, though I have already met them I was worried that maybe they had changed their minds about me. It was such a happy first encounter, what if that's be best it got, what if that was out peak. 

We make our way up the steps onto the porch leading to the large white front doors. After a few knocks, a very cheery and tearful Maura opens the door. "Oh my babies are home!" Her thick accent says and she pulls Niall and I into a very tight embrace. "Come in, come in! I am so happy you are both here." 

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