Ashton James

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Ashton James How long has it been? Since I found out your little secret? Seen what you do when no ones looking? What was the date again? January 18th? It was fun wasn't it? Well of course it was, especially for you. You had Ariel with you. Its like where ever you go she's there. Is there a reason? I sure the school will love to know. Or maybe your parents.  A father that's an assistant principle and a mother that's never around. 

Do you remember the movie you went to go see? I do, because it was the same movie I went to go see. Maybe it was a coincidence that we were in the same place at the same time. Maybe not. But of course, only I know. I remember the two of you walking out of the theater and went over to where the arcade was. Ariel wore your track jacket. 

I was gonna go up to say hello when I seen you, but that was before you did something I never knew you'd do. Once you won her a bear from the claw machine, she kissed you. And you kissed her back. I bet you would of kept going if you weren't in public. I walked out to my car and watched as you both got into your Jeep. That's when she goes in close to you. 

The light above your car makes a little easier to see. I watch was you both start to kiss again. I took my phone out and pressed record. This time, I knew to turn the flash off. I kept watching, especially when she moved onto your lap. 

After an hour, you left. And me being me, I followed. I had sure to stay a car behind you. Every turn you took, I took. Every stop sign or red light you stopped at, I did the same. You ended up in a small neighborhood just a few blocks away from the high school. I parked around the corner but I still had a good view. Ariel got out and walked inside her house.  

You didn't expect to be caught now did you? Did you think no one was gonna find out that a track "star" was a Lesbian? Well I wanna tell you something Ashton, I enjoyed ever minute of our time together. Every photo. Every text. You were so desperate. But like always, your reputation was on the line.

A few days later I sent you the video. Immediately you called me. You voice was so shaky. Poor baby. You questioned me on how I got the video. But I didn't tell you.  All I said was if you didn't want the whole school or your parents knowing about your little secret. You agreed. So silly of you.

You told me you would do anything. Anything huh? You really were stupid. No one would say something like that. But I guess you're different. 

"Send me photos of yourself," was all I had to say to get everything rolling. At first you denied, saying how you had a girlfriend. but I had my way to make you do it. 

So ever since Junior year, me and you had our fun. What would Ariel think of you? Have you told her about us? I hope not, you know what will happen if you do. 

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