Evening 2

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-----------If you are sensitive to suicide or depression, you can skip the first part-----------

"Ok Ms. James, you can go home, but take it easy."

I had woken up in the hospital close to 3:20 am. A nasal cannula was placed on me to help me get enough oxygen. When I woke up, I had a terrible headache and my chest felt like someone was sitting on it. Ariel was there with me through the whole night and up to when they discharged me. 

She helped me change out of the gown into normal clothes, which only consist of some pants and a hoodie. Ariel helped me walk to her car. She looked like she's been crying but I didn't have the gut to ask. Because I probably knew the answer. 

We got into the car and she started to drive. "I'm sor-," but before I could finish, she interrupted me. 

"What were you thinking Ash? Overdose? Were you trying to kill yourself?" At this point she had tears streaming down her face. "I thought I was going to lose you. Why would you do that?" She asked questions that I myself didn't know how to answer. Did I want to die? And if I did, why?

I just kept quiet and stared outside the window. Trees turned into a blur when the light turned green. I could feel her look over at me from time to time. I don't know if she was waiting for an answer or just checking on me. 

We sat in silence in the school parking lot. Ariel talked me into going to school so I can get everything that happened off my mind. "I'll drive you home after school ok?" I knew she was just being nice like always, but I didn't need anyone's pity especially from her. "Yeah ok," and with that I got out.

I started to walk towards the track and football field. I missed running the track. The feeling of the wind blowing through my hair and feeling free. But I had to quiet but really, I was kicked off the team. I missed too many practices and when I showed up, I was to high to actually run.  

I sat on the bleachers and watched the kids run around. Some of the soccer players were play practicing for the championship coming up. Our school won 12 to 7. 

"And the dead girl walks again."

I looked over and noticed Alex walking over. Alex was a close friend of mine back in freshman year. He's "helped" me through a lot of things. We don't hang out like we use to, but it doesn't really bother me. Alex always had this weird thing about him. He knew when someone needed something. You don't find Alex, Alex finds you. 

"So tell me James, how does a druggie like you visit the devil but ends up back here?" He liked to make jokes but sometimes they never made any sense, so anyone that knows him just went with it.

"He kicked me out because I didn't bring any goodies with me," I laughed a little but it caused me to almost cough my lungs up. 

"So what do you want?" He asked me, sitting next to me but looking around. 

"I can't, I promised Ariel I'd get off of them."

He started to laugh. Did he think I was joking? Or lying to him? I knew I had to stop doing them but I didn't know what to do. Alex took his book bag off of his back and opened it up. Inside, there was a big bag with small baggies inside and some pill bottles. 

"Come on James, I know you want some. How about this, I give you a baggie and a bottle, on the house?" He took a small baggie that had white power in it and a bottle that held something that looked like candy. I could tell by just looking at it, it was meth and molly. 

"Fine, but don't tell anyone about this."

"My lips are always sealed."

The bell rang and Alex got up and left. I decided to stay. I didn't have the energy to go to class so I just skipped the next two classes. When the third bell goes off, I got up and started to walk towards the court yard. It was placed in the middle of the school. A few benches were placed here and there and big trees stood behind them. A fountain was in the middle of the whole thing. It had a mermaid holding a vase, clear cold water came out of it. 

As I walked out, I noticed Heidi sitting on one of the benches. For the first time since I've known her, she had her hair up. Two strands of curly hair laid lose in front of her ears. I walked over and sat next to her, placing my hands in my hoodie pocket. I had almost forgot that the baggie and bottle was in there. We didn't say anything to each other. There wasn't really anything to say. 

After awhile, I felt someone kiss my cheek and sit next to me. I looked over and noticed it was Ariel. She leaned in and whispered in my ear. I didn't understand why she said what she said. It was out of the blue. But my main question was, why just me? Did she tell the others?

Everyone showed up but I didn't pay attention. I laid my head on Ariel's shoulder and just closed my eyes. I just wanted the world to disappear. I wanted everything to be quiet. I almost didn't hear the bell ring again. Ariel didn't move, she sat there while i laid on her. We stayed like that for a few minutes. Everyone that was in the court yard had already left. 

"We should get going Ash."

Me and Ariel started walking the halls. She kept looking down every hall we passed like she was looking for something. We reached the front of the school but something stopped me in my tracks. There was five police cars in the front. Three female police officers were talking among each other before they noticed us. 

"Ariel what do we do?" I asked her. I knew if they were hear for us, I'd be in trouble for having drugs on me. My heart started to race and my chest stated to hurt again. It was starting to get hard to breath. 

"Just stay calm ok? If they're hear for us, they can't arrest us, they have nothing against us." She sounded calm but there was a hint of fear in her voice. 

"Ariel Perez? Ashton James?" One of the called. The three of then started to walk closer to us.I watched as two of the hand their hands ready to grab the stun gun. 

"Yes ma'am. Can I ask why you're asking?" 

"Please turn around and put your hands behind your back" One said, pulling some cuffs out. 

Instead of doing what they asked, we bolted for it. But we didn't get so far. At least Ariel didn't. One of the officers tackled her to the grown and placed cuffs on her. I on the other hand almost made it to the front gate before the other one shot me with a stun gun. I got a mouthful of concrete when I hit the ground. One officer held me down and the other placed the cuffs onto me. 

I felt my body be lifted off of the ground and forced to walk back to the cars. I tried to fight back but they seemed to be stronger than me. Through the struggle, I could see three male officers bring Jacob out. He looked confused when he seen us. "I didn't do anything! You don't have anything against me. You can't do this!" I yelled before one of the officers threw me against the car. 

I could hear Ariel yell at the officer patting her down about something. I couldn't focus on anything. So much was going on. The officer started to pat me down. And that's where she found them. She pulled the baggie and bottle out of my pocket and placed them onto the car. 

"Those aren't mine! I don't know how that got there! Someone is trying to frame me!"

"I highly doubt that kid." One of the female officers said

"Ashton James, you are being charged with the murder of Jasmine Stimle, possession of drug and running from the police. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you do not have one, one will be provided for you. Do you understand your rights?"

Till Deathحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن