Night 3

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"Where were you on the night of the dance?" The detective asked me. I looked over to my lawyer to see if it was ok for me to answer. Her name was Mrs. Rojas, Heidi's mother. She looked over at me and nodded. "I was in the gym that night," I said, hoping he couldn't tell I was about to shit myself. 

"Can anyone vouch for you? A friend? Teacher?" He wanted to get to the bottom of something but I didn't know how this tied to me. He accused me of murder, but they said it was a suicide not a murder. How can they change something that fast?! "The football team, I was hanging out with them during the whole thing." 

He didn't say anything, all he did was write what I said down. "Did you have any connection with Jasmine?" He spoke slow and calm. "We had third together, but we barely talked." This whole thing started to get boring but like everything else, I can't let it show. And without another word, Mr. detective got up and left. 

"You did good Jacob, just a few more hours and we can leave." She opened the folder and looked through it. I sat there for a few minutes before I remembered something. "Mrs. Rojas, is Heidi here? Is she ok?" I don't remember seeing them bring her outside let alone in one of the cars. I had to wait for a response. 

"They didn't pick her up. There were reasons and she's at home. She's been blowing my phone up ever since she got home." 

The detective came back and sat down in front of us. "Jacob, I know you're a smart kid and very talented, but I need you to be honest with me," he wasn't calm anymore, he seemed irritated. "My client has been honest with you, why do you keep questioning him? You have no evidence he's done anything."

"Why did you leave the gym Jacob?" His look turned stern and serious. The atmosphere got cold and I could feel my hands shake. I looked over at Mrs. Rojas and then looked down at the table. I didn't know how to answer the question without getting into even more trouble. "Jacob please answer the question." He wasn't going to play the waiting game. I had a choice, either lie about why I left or tell the truth and ruin my life. "Thank you for your time detective, but I think me and my client are done here."

I could feel her get up and put a hand on my shoulder. "Lets go Jacob." I couldn't move. I had to say something. If I didn't, they might be suspicious and have an even more reason to get me again. "I left with my girlfriend," I said fast. Mrs. Rojas stopped and looked at me. I didn't dare look at her. "And, who is your girlfriend?" he was interested now. "Heidi Rojas."  "And what did you and Heidi do?"

I kept looking down at the table. I could still feel her eyes on me. "We were making out," I said. I finally got to courage to look up at Mrs Rojas. She didn't look happy but not angry at the same time. More like surprised.  "Did you and Heidi do anything other then kiss?" He made it sound so horrible. "We almost did but she freaked out." 

"Because she didn't want to have sex with you?" I looked over to him with a confused look on my face. Why would he ask that? Of course she wanted to do it with me, she was the one that planned it the day before. "Or was it because she knew you were cheating on her and didn't want to be another one of your fuck buddies?" There it was. The question that shouldn't have been brought up. "What are you talking about?" I had to make it seem like I didn't know what he was talking about. 

"Well we have evidence from your phone and from the dance. So tell me the truth Jacob, why did Heidi freak out?" I kept quiet. I wasn't going to answer him. I couldn't. I wasn't going to let her know that what he said was true. Then i heard heels clicking on the ground, moving towards the door. She was going to leave. My own lawyer was going to leave when I needed her the most. I had no choice now, I had to. "She freaked out because she seen the reflection of the body. She pushed me off and screamed." 

"Thank you Jacob. That's all for today." And then he left. 

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