Night 1

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"I can't today, I have something important to take care of."

I wasn't able to finish my breakfast before Octavia asked me to take care of something for her. Normally I'd decline the offer to show off my skills but Ariel got into it. Telling me if I don't do it, I'd regret it. The bitch is crazy.

After getting dressed, I kissed the beautiful girl that laid in my bed. She used the covers to cover herself. I didn't know her, let alone know who she is. She's just someone who I can play with whenever I want, and she doesn't seem to mind.

"Come back baby, let's go for a round two," she whispers as she tries to unzip my pants. She was very tempting but I could't be late. I picked up her clothes and threw them at her while trying to zip my pants back up with one hand. "Leave, I don't have time to be messing with you right now." This must of ticked her off because instead of thanking me for giving her suck a good night, she slapped me and ran into the bathroom. I was about to walk to her until my phone went off. Picking the phone up, the caller ID read 'Crazy Chick.'

"Listen here, we had a deal, you better get your ass over here." I couldn't help but laugh. "Good morning to you too Ariel, and I'm on my way chill out." And with me saying that, I hung up. I knew that was going to piss her off even more but I didn't care.

"Make sure to lock the door on your way out," I yelled to the person in my bathroom.

It took me an hour to drive over to get to Ashton's place. Once i got there, I noticed that Ash's dad's car wasn't there and i highly doubt Octavia was here anymore. But to my surprise she was. "And here I thought you'd be at school with a cock 3 inches down your throat." "Oh fuck you Jacob, I don't do that everyday, unlike you." I was about to say something but Ariel interrupted.

"Get rid of it, now," she said pointing to the computer screen.

When i got close to it, i could see it was Octavia and Mr. James going into his office. I fast forward it up until an hour and then Octavia walked out. "You really need to be careful, hacking into the schools cameras isn't safe, let alone what you were doing," I said as I glanced at Octavia. "Just shut the fuck up and delete it!"

It took a few minutes to get down but i finally finished. I was about to give Ariel the laptop back but she shook her head. I watched as she brought up another video. I couldn't tell what was going on due to the room being too dark, but i could almost make out some lockers on each side. Soon it hit me what it was. I deleted it without asking any questions.

It was 4 pm now. 8 hours since I first arrived. I was in the middle of making me a sandwich when I heard someone behind me. Turning around, all I could see was someone in a black hoodie getting something from the fridge. I watched as they closed the door and leaned against the counter.

"Fuck James, what the happened to you?" It was like i was looking at a dead person. She didn't look great at all. Her check bones were showing and she had bags under her eyes. "Oh hello Jacob, what are you doing here?" I could barely understand what she was saying. Her words came out as slurs and when she talked, you could smell the alcohol in her breath. I must of been really loud because soon enough Ariel came into the kitchen. She had a sad look on her face when she noticed Ash.

She didn't say anything, only grabbed her arm and slowly took Ash back upstairs. I walked into the living room where Octavia was and sat down. "What's wrong with Ash?" I asked, but I didn't get an answer. Instead of Oct answering, Ariel answered for her. "She's upset, because of everything that happened and is happening, she's fucking with drugs. She says it helps her forget but I highly believe that."

"But what about track? They have a game coming up and she can't run being like that!" If i knew anything about Ash, it's that she loves track and hasn't missed a single game or practice since Freshman year. "She left," was all Ariel said before picking up her phone. "We better get going, your girlfriend won't stop blowing my damn phone up."

Me and Ariel got into the car after she tells Oct to watch over Ash while she's gone. When we arrive, you could hear the band playing out in the football field. We both rushed to the locker rooms and walked back out. I managed to slide into the group of players and run out as they call us out. Ariel managed to sneak into the group of cheerleaders cheering us on. We all went into our positions but i wouldn't go in until coach told me too. I looked through the cheerleaders and tried to find Heidi. It took a while but when i did, she looked like she was zoned out. That was before she screamed and fell backwards. I rushed over to her, as well as Ariel.

She looked at us confused and looked like she was about to cry. "Let's get you home." I picked her up and walked to my car with Ariel. Since I was her ride back to Ashton's house, she had to. From time to time, i'd look over and see how she was doing. All she did was look out the window. We soon reached her place and i parked in the drive way.

"Stay here," I told Ariel. She only nodded.

I got out and ran to the door. I knocked at least three times until her father answered the door. "Hello Jacob, what can I do for you?" He asked, with a confused look on his face. I only pointed to my car and I think he knew and ran over to the car. He opened the door and picked her up. "What happened?" I followed behind him holding her book bag. "I don't know sir, I was sitting on the bench at the game and she fell. She looked like she was upset so I decided to take her home."

"Well that was kind of you Jacob."

He placed her in her room and we both walked out. "Do you think this has anything to what happened to that girl?" He didn't look good himself either when I got a good look. But i guess he's always looked like that since he's a football coach. We walked to the door before i answered him. "I don't know sir, but i wouldn't doubt it." And with that I left.

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