Ariel Perez

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Love can make you do stupid things. It really is the strongest feeling anyone could ever feel. It can make you change how you treat someone, but it can also make you do unspeakable things. Maybe even almost send someone to the hospital. But I never knew I was capable of that until you decided to mess with someone that I care about. You're not gonna be able to tell my story dead girl, that's my job. 

I remember when she came to me about what you did. What you had against her. Blackmail is really low for someone like you. She came to me crying. I was mad. Not at her but at you. I told her to go along with your little game. I was stupid. I never should of told her to do that. 

I should've known what you were planning on doing, but I didn't. And it cost someones sanity. That night I found out, I took a walk. I don't remember why but I went out. My mothers were too busy closing up their bakery so they weren't home. 

I walked and I walked. Thinking about how I could fix this situation. You were messing with the wrong person. Mess with Ash and you will get a monster. When I looked up, I noticed I was in front of your house. No cars were outside, but there were lights on. Your mom must be out getting wasted somewhere. 

I walked up and walked around back. Sadly nothing was unlocked. But there was plenty of rocks around the house. I could hear loud music coming from the other side of the house. I picked a good shaped rock and waited. When there was a loud boom i slammed the rock into the glass. It shattered and scattered all over the floor. Dropping the rock, I reached my hand inside and unlocked the door. 

Slowly and carefully, I opened the door and walked in. The house smelled like smoke and booze. Glass bottles and other things covered the floor. I was glad I wore tennis shoes instead of sandles, I didn't want to accidentally catch something. I picked up a piece of glass just in case I needed i. As I began to walk down the hallway, I found where the music was coming from. 

I couldn't just barge in. Looking around in the living room, there was a lamp. I grabbed it and walked back to the door slowly. I opened your door slowly and looked in. You were standing by the window. I didn't know what you were doing but you just looked outside. I wondered if you heard me breaking the glass. 

I waited to see if you'd turn around or do something. But the only thing you did was bend down and start messing with your radio. Taking this as my only chance, I slowly walked behind you and swung. To my surprise, the lamp didn't break. I watched as you fell to the ground but you weren't completely passed out, but I had to deal with what I had. 

"Who are you?" You asked as you rolled onto your back and looked at me. 

"Someone you don't want to fuck with."

I remember dropping the lamp and getting on top of you. That's when it happened. I started to punch you over and over again. You tried to block me but I made sure to hold your arms down with my knee. Next thing i remember was taking the piece of glass out of my pocket. It was sharp at the end and had a point. Before I placed it onto her skin, everything went red. 

She has to pay.  

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