Noon 5

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"Please answer the question Ms. Vega," detective Carter says. 

I still didn't know how to answer the question. If I say one thing it won't help me get out of it but if I say another I'll look suspicious for taking too long to answer. Everyone and everything was against me. They demanded me to answer the question again. 

"My client won't be answering something she doesn't know. Are we done here? Or do you scream at her more?" Mr. Simon states. 

"We have another question to ask her, and I know this will jog your memory," detective Weaver says, as he brings out a photo of a golden chain. It was pretty. It held a rose on the bottom of it. The only thing that had color was the flower part. He brought out another photo from the dance. Me, Jacob, and Heidi were in the photo. 

"This is you correct?"

"Yes, that's me. What does this have to do with the necklace?"

"This necklace was found shoved down the victims throat. We found some skin fragments on the chain and they matched the victims. You were the only one that night seen wearing this necklace," Detective Weaver stated, "So tell me, where's that necklace now?"

"At home, in my jewelry box."

I couldn't help but start to panic. Things seemed to be going slow. There was no way in getting out of this. They had these people around their fingers. I knew this was a trap, and there was no way for me to get out of it. 

"We checked you're house and the necklace is nowhere there," Detective Carter says. 

"You killed Jasmine Stimle. You brought her into that classroom and strangled her with the necklace!" Detective Weaver yells as he stands up. 

"No I didn't! We were friends!" I yelled back.

"She said she was going to expose your secrete! So you made it look like a suicide. You cut her wrist and used a rope to make it seem like she hung herself!"

"She deserved it!"

When those words left my mouth, I wished they never did. This is going to screw me up. But I couldn't take it back. There's no going back. There's no second chances. I did the only thing I knew would save me, I confessed. If I'm already down the rabbit hole, might as well go even deeper. 

"I killed her. She was going to expose me. I had to do something. I wasn't going to let her screw my life up." I cried. 

"But she had already exposed you, along with two other people. Answer this question Octavia. Did you have help with killing Jasmine Stimle?" She asked. I had to think. I had to say something. i had to think before saying anything. 

"I worked alone."  

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