Morning 2

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"What were you thinking Ash?! Overdose? Were you trying to kill yourself?!" 

I had just left the hospital with Ashton. Ever since last night, I couldn't think straight. When Jacob dropped me and her off I never left. I didn't tell him it was really an overdose until she was discharged. He didn't need to know. 

"I thought I was going to lose you. Why would you do that?" 

I had tears streaming down my face. It started to get hard to see the road. She kept quiet. Didn't even look at me. I didn't know what to do. But I knew what I had to do. I drove us to school. Even though I knew she wasn't in the mindset to go back right away, I needed her to. It was the only way I can get pay back. 

We reached the school and just sat in the parking lot. Nothing was said for a few minutes. I watched as all the kids walked to the front. Some coming off the bus and others from their cars. I looked over at her and cleared my throat. 

"I'll drive you home after school ok?" 

"Yeah ok."

I watched as she got out and walked towards the doors. I waited for everyone to go inside. I didn't need anyone to know what I was about to do. When I knew the cost was clear, I grabbed my phone and dialed three simple numbers. 

"911 what's your emergency?" The lady asked. 

"I have some information on the case of Jasmine Stimle," I looked around and waited for her to respond. I heard a beep and then a males voice. 

"You said you have some information on Jasmine Stimle? We have already closed the case as a suicide," he explained.

"It wasn't a suicide," I paused to make sure he was listening, "it was a murder."

"And how do you know this?"

"Because I heard four students talk about it." I couldn't help but smile. I knew what I was doing, I had a plan and no one was going to stop it. 

"Can you give me the names of these students." 

I took a deep breath. If this plan was going to work out, I have to blame myself. Become a suspect. Trick them. Make them think of something else. 

"Ashton James, Octavia Vega, Jacob Chelsey, and Ariel Perez. You can catch them at the end of fourth. Check Mr. James office too," and before I could let him reply, I hung up. 

I walked down the halls towards the court yard. I studied everyone face as I passed by them. When I reached the court yard, I noticed Heidi and Ash. I walked over to her and gave her a kiss on her cheek. Sitting down next to Ash, I knew I had to tell her, at least some of it. 

"The cops are going to be here to pick us up. Blame Octavia," I whispered. 

She didn't say anything but I just think she was trying to comprehend what I said. I waited but nothing. She laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. I looked over at Heidi and seen a worried look on her face. 

"She's tired from track," I lied. 

Everyone showed up. Some of the joked around and laughed but me and Ash didn't. I needed to keep my mind clear. I didn't move. Ash needed to think and I didn't want to bother her. 

The bell rang and everyone left. I made sure to stay. We needed to wait. To have this work, we need to be the first. 

"We should get going."

We were walking down the halls. As we passed every corner I made sure to check. Down one hall i seen three cops with Jacob and down another I seen some cops at Mr. James office. I knew I needed to hurry. We walked out of the front doors and that's where they were. Waiting. I had to hold my smile back. I knew what was about to go down. 

Pay back is a bitch.  

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