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Now this is a hard one. It took me a while to figure out what you were doing. But when I found out I wasn't surprised. So how was it? Being with someone that's off limits? Sorry I shouldn't say that. I mean sleeping with someone that's off limits.

A married man. The assistant principal. Your mothers coworker. Your so called friends father. Mr. James. Does that ring a bell?

I remember walking through the halls one day and seeing you. You looked distracted and in a rush. It was the first time seeing you like this. Normally you were a bitch. Always pushing people around but now, you were walking past everyone.

I decided to follow you. Down east hallway. Taking a right at south. And then ending up on north. Where the principal's, front office, and teachers lounge are. What was the reason? You never get in trouble since some how your always getting out of it. So why?

You looked up and down the hallway and then opened the door. I walked over and noticed who's door it was. Assistant principal Timothy James.

I ducked under the window but before I could see what was going on, you closed the curtains. Looked over the window, you could see a little but some angles were awkward. I had to rely on the spacing between them.

At first you two were talking. Standing in front of his desk. But then he did something unspeakable. He kissed you. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. A man could lose his job because of this.

I could give you the same treatment but I had something better in mind. So I took my phone out and tried to record as much as I could get. Things started to get heated in the office. There where moment where you would do him and then he'd do you. I decided to cut my meeting short and head back to class.

Weeks went by and we kept at this little ritual. You would go into his office during 2nd and I would record. It was very interesting. Everyday was a new position. A new pet name. A new punishment. It was a little amusing.

Every time I got home, I added every video to a your file and saved it on a flash drive. I always looked at my laptop and smiled. I was always impressed.

Ashton: 38 photos
Octavia: 62 photos and videos
Jacob: 47 photos and videos
Ariel: 0
Heidi: 0

It was always a shame I couldn't get the whole gang together. How depressing. But everything was going as planned. Homecoming is coming up. And soon everyone will know.

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