Noon 2

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It was 6:20 when Tim woke me up. It seemed like he stopped by my place and grabbed me some clothes because when I got out of the shower there was a fresh set of clothes on the toilet seat. The small bathroom's mirror was cover in steam.

"We better get going or we'll we late," James says as we pick up our belongings and walk out of the hotel.

As we walked past the front desk, I could feel the lady from last night give us a weird look. I just ignored it. It wouldn't be good to start something. We walked over to my car and he opened the door.

"Come by my office later, I have to talk to you about something." And with that, kissed my cheek and walked off.

I drove all the way to the school. From time to time, I'll look behind me and see his car. We drove like this for a few stops but once we got close he took a different turn then I did. I knew his reason so I kept going.

I parked and then got out. Walking to the front of the school, I noticed a lot of people staring at me. I knew I was cute but damn, learn to take a photo. I ignored them and kept walking. Nothing interesting was going on int the hallways, so I decided to go to the bathroom. I needed to touch up on my makeup anyways.

When I walked in i noticed two girl looking in the mirror. Once they seen me, they grabbed their things and walked out. I placed my foot out and one of them tripped.

"Oops my bad, my foot slipped."

The other girl helped her up and they ran off. It was nice messing with people. I wasn't a bully, and no one dared to call me one. I just give people what they deserve. Breaking couples up by kissing their boyfriends in front of them. Destroying friendships by spread rumors about them. And humiliating some by spreading a photo around.

It all a game to me and I enjoy it more then I should. I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself. I noticed a few dark spots on the left side of my neck. Taking a closer look, I noticed they were hickeys. I cussed at myself. This was the last thing I had to deal with. I grabbed my bag and looked through it.

"No! Where is it?!"

I couldn't find my concealer. That was the one thing i needed to be able to hide it. But I don't even know where i left it or where it could be. I heard the bell go off but I ignored it. Teachers yelling at students to head to class and to stop talking. At first I thought one was going to come in and check the bathroom for slackers but no one came in.

Another bell went off and I walked out of the bathroom. I walked down the hall and out into the court yard.

"Whats up fuckers!" I yell.

Heidi looked up at me but Ash just kept looking down. I didn't bother to talk to her and just walked and stood next to Heidi. "You know, these cops are a real pain in the ass. Can't even breath without them asking questions." I pulled my jacket collar up and tried to hide the mark on my neck. Everyone else started to show up. I tapped my foot against the ground. I just wanted the bell to ring so I could leave. And right on time, the bell went off. We all went our separate ways. I made sure to take the long route.

As I was about to open the door I felt someone grab me. They had a tight grip on my arm. As they pulled me outside, it was like they're grip got tighter.

"You need to stop this," I looked at the person and noticed that it was Jacob.

"And what are you going to do? Gonna threaten me like you did that girl? Gonna cut me big boy?" He kept quiet. I smirked at his silence. I knew I caught him off guard and god was I enjoying this.

"It was nice talking to you Chesley, but you're gonna make me miss my meeting with Mr. James."

I gave Jacob a few pats on his chest and walked back inside. I walked until I reached his office. But once I opened the door, a female cop was there questioning him. When I closed the door she turned around.

"Are you Octavia Vega?" she asked. But before I could answer she had already put cuffs onto me.

She opened the door and pushed me out. She didn't need to be so rough. Ever step we took, James asked her a new question.

"Why are you arresting her? What are the charges?"

"Octavia Vega, you are being arrested for the murder of Jasmine Stimle. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney, if you do not have one, one will be provided for you. Do you understand your rights?"

She finally said that little speech when we walked outside. I seen three cops put Jacob in the back of the car. I took another glance and noticed Ariel. She was looking right at me. Before they placed her in the back of the car, she smiled and mouthed something.

"You're dead."

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