Jasmine Stimle

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Its weird, isn't it? To have a girl no one even know exist have so much on another? A whole flash drive. And some how no one even knew. See, I might be the only one this girl didn't have anything on. But I can say I had something on you, Jasmine Stimle. Did you think after what you did, you'd be allowed to live another second.

You were really confident when you pulled your little stunt. The whole school had their eyes on you. You had their full attention. We all remember it clearly. But of course, who could forget.

It was September 16th, the night of the homecoming dance. We were outside, talking. I remember grabbing your arm and catching a glimpse of the small device in your hand. I didn't think much of it, because of course, I had bigger things to deal with. A jocks girlfriend. You're old best friend. Future homecoming queen. I walked in after you.

As we walked into the gym, I got distracted by Jacob. You could smell the fresh alcohol in his breath. I knew him and his buddies snuck some in. Everything was good until you walked on stage.


I was standing with Ariel and a few of the other cheerleaders. None of them liked me but Ariel forced them to. I looked around for Mr. James. He promised me he would be here. While I looked around, I noticed Jasmine walking up on the makeshift stage. The band stopped and Ms. Green made everyone quiet down.

"We have a special announcement from one of our students, so can you please give her you're undivided attention."

I watched as she took a laptop out of her bag and hooked it up. She plugged something into the side of the computer. She tapped on the microphone a couple of times to make sure it's working.

"Hello everyone! I'd like to give a big shout out to my friends, Ariel Perez, Heidi Rojas, Jacob Chesley, Octavia Vega, and Ashton James. Sadly Ashton couldn't join us tonight I have some things I want to share about three of these people."

I watched as she turned the computer on and a screen come down.

"First up, Lets talk about Octavia Vega. One of the most hated girls in all of Jasper high."

I looked at the screen and noticed what she put up. It was videos and photos of Mr. James office. At first you thought it was just two people having a meeting but then things got heated. You could hear some of the guys cheer Mr. James on. i could feel some people look at me, I couldn't take it so I left.


I was shocked by what Jasmine had just put up. This bitch was out of her mind. I could hear some of my buddies cat call Octavia as she rushed past us. What she was doing was fucked up. I had a bad feeling in my stomach. If she has something on Octavia and is exposing her, maybe she has something on all of us. 

I watched as she changed the screen. It was different videos. Some were in the school parking lots and field, others were somewhere in town. It had a girl and a guy. The moment I realized who it was, my heart dropped. This couldn't be happening. I looked over at Heidi and watched as her eyes teared up. She looked over at me, gave me the bird, and ran outside. I looked at the screen one more time before running after her. 

"Everyone give a round of applause to Jacob Chesley."


This bitch was doing something that wasn't acceptable. She said three people, she's already done two. Who was number three? The moment she said it, my heart dropped. 

"Now give it up to the one and only, Ashton James!"

And with that she put them up. The things she forced Ash to send her. I knew the school had cameras going and that they're live. And since Ash was never able to make it, I talked her into watching it. But oh how much I regret that now. Everyone could see them. And them a photo of me and her kissing came up. I could hear some people spit the f word. It was upsetting. I felt my phone go off. I grabbed it and noticed it was Ashton calling me. When I answered it, I ran out of the gym and could hear her crying. 

When I ran outside I noticed the group. Heidi and Jacob were fighting and Octavia and Mr. James were also fighting. When he seen me and heard Ashtons voice through the speaker, he walked back inside. Octavia tried to get him to come back but he didn't. I told Ashton to get here as soon as she can. 


I looked at Ariel like she was crazy. Why would she want to do this. It was crazy. I had just gotten here a few minutes ago and she drops this bomb on me. Everyone nodded and walked back inside. I walked into the gym right when Jasmine was being dragged out. I turned my back to them but couldn't help but over hear one of the teachers say that she'd suspended. 

When she walked into the hallway, i walked up from behind her and tapped her shoulder. 

"Oh hello baby, did you enjoy the show?" She had her cheeky smile on her face.

"Can we talk?" 

"Sure sugar."

We walked down the hall, ducking into different classes to dodge the security. As we do this a couple of times, we finally make it to room 220. I brought her into the room and closed the door. You could see the gym from outside the window. I turned around and looked at her. 


I took Octavia's necklace from Heidi and held it in my hand. Octavia didn't know we had it or at least not yet. Heidi sweet talked her for it. I made sure to put gloves on before I touched it. I had a feeling this would help us. Me and Heidi watched as Ashton and Jasmine walked into the room. They started to talk. Jasmines back was facing us. I slowly walked up behind her.

My heart beat couldn't keep up with what I was about to do. With fast movement, I wrapped the necklace around her neck and pulled. I couldn't stop myself, I kept tugging at it until the life was out of her. With that in mind, it was a relief when I heard her final breath. 

 When she fell down, I made Heidi go get Octavia and to stay in the gym to wait for Jacob. I didn't need Octavia knowing so I shoved the necklace down her throat. A few seconds later Octavia shows up with Jacob. 

"Guard the door," I told him. Without questioning he did.  

I told Octavia to grab the rope and place set it up in the back. With gloves, me and Ashton picked the body up and dragged her to the back of the class room. Ashton accidentally hits the shelf and makes one of the glass vials fall off the shelf. It shattered into pieces. 

Heidi helps us lift her body up and Octavia moves the noose over her head. We let go of her body and you could hear something snap. I looked down at the broken glass and nudged Octavia. She probably got the idea and picked up the sharpest one. I made the motion from the inside of her elbow to her wrist. She nodded and did exactly that. Blood dripped down her arm and Octavia's hand. 

We walked out of the room. Octavia and Jacob walked back to the gym. Me and Ash walked towards the front. We all agreed not to say anything. Before me and Ash walked out we seen Heidi and Jacob walk towards the room like we planned. 

Once outside, I felt my phone go off. I picked it up and noticed it was from Heidi. 

'Keep me out of this. I had nothing to do with it.'

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