Evening 4

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The holding cell was cold. There was no blankets or pillows on the "bed." The bars wrapped around the area. I sat there watching every one that comes in and goes out. Many men and woman, different races, different reasons, different cloths, and different wounds. 

I didn't know how long I've been sitting there. No one came to ask me about the drugs and no one answered me when I asked why it was taking so long. I was just minding my own business when I heard someone scream. I got up and walked over to the bar door. Three officers held a girl, trying to keep her from getting away. She screamed and kicked. 

When she seen me, she looked really angry. Her hair was a mess from thrashing around and she had tears going down her cheek. 

"You bitch! How could you?! Why would you do that?! I didn't do anything to you! I trusted you!" 

They dragged Octavia out of the building and into one of the cars. I could feel the stares from some of the other people in the cells next to me. It was awkward. This time, I really didn't know what to do. When I was about to go sit back down, I heard someone call my name. I turn around to see Ariel and Jacob standing there. 

"Hey are you ok?" Ariel asked me. She looked worried out of her mind. Like she dodged a bullet that she didn't see coming.  Jacob looked unfazed like he always does. He stood there looking around the room and scanning the other people around us. 

"Yeah I'm fine, I think. They won't let me out." 

"I'll get my dad to come bail you out," Jacob said as he got his phone out and started to dial a number. 

"That's not gonna happen."

Ariel and Jacob turned back around to see who was speaking. It was one of the female officers from earlier. She stood there with a chain of keys in her hand. 

"And why not?" Jacob questioned as he hung up the phone call. You could hear a males voice on the other side say hello. 

"Because she's heading to court. They're gonna figure out what to do with her there," the cop unlocked  the door and held some cuffs out, "turn around and put your hands behind your back." I did as she said and she placed them off. When she locked them I couldn't help but wince from the bruises that started to form. She might of noticed because instead of grabbing the cuffs like everyone else, she grabbed my arm and walked me out. 

"Don't worry babe, I'll call Heidi's mom and get her to the court for you," Ariel said as she called Martha.

After a few stops and turns it was back into a holding cell. There was a lot more people here. Some were crying and others were just having a conversation. I kept to myself. I didn't need to try to gain a buddy here. These people are crazy and some are dangerous, if you just say the wrong thing, they might kill you. 

An hour or two passed until an officer came back and opened the door. She pointed at me as she looked down at her clipboard. 

"Ashton James?" She questioned. 

I got up and walked over to her. She placed another set of handcuffs onto me and lead me out of the room. We walked down a long hallways. Passing different doors and many rooms. Many people we passed were in orange suits and in different hand cuffs. 

Soon we walked through a pair of doors and walked inside. It was a big court room with a few people in it. I scanned the room and noticed a few people. The Rojas', Perez's, and Chesley's were there. I seen no sign of my father anywhere. I looked down at my feet, trying to get rid of this lonely feeling. 

The court got quiet when the judge came in. She was a middle age woman with dark skin and bright blue eyes. Me and her locked eyes before I looked away. Mrs. Rojas was there right beside me the whole time. After the officer read out the charges, Mrs. Rojas stood up. 

"Mrs. Rojas, it's good to see you on this warm evening," Judge Davis said, "whats your verdict?"

"Three months of probation your honor. This is Ms. James first offense and I believe it'd only be fair to give her a warning." I could see the judge raise an eyebrow. She looked at me then back at then paper she had and then back to me. I don't think she believed it. 

"You use to be in track right?" 

"Yes your honor," I didn't know where she was going with asking me that question. It had nothing to do with what was going on. 

"And you were kicked out because you never showed up to practice." She hit the papers against her stand to get them even and then placed them to the side. She picked up her gavel and spoke. 

"Ms. James, you will be given four months of probation and you will attend a rehab session twice a week every week until you're clean, you will report where you are and where you're going to your probation officer. You will have random house searches and random times for when your probation officer will come to your house. And Ms. James, get back into track. Case dismissed," and with that, the cuffs were taken off and I was allowed to leave. 

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