Evening 1

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She sat there, at the end of my bed. Smiling. Her laugh and voice echoed my head. Over and over. I used my hands to cover my ears and try to block it out, but it just kept going.

"Come on baby, lets go have some fun," she whispered.

"Leave me alone!" I grabbed whatever was near me and chucked it at the wall. It shattered into pieces. I look over and notice what it was. The picture frame that held a photo of me and my older brother.

"Fuck." I got up and started to pick up the pieces. I could hear the door open and a pair of footsteps.

"God Ash, what did you do?!"

I turn around to see Ariel standing at the foot of my bed. "Sh-she won't leave," I laugh a little as I rush to pick the class up, "she keeps saying things in my head, it keeps going." I make little hand motions around my head.

"Hey how about you let me do this," Ariel says trying to push me away.

"No I need to do it, just leave. I don't want you here." While picking up the pieces I managed to cut my hand with one of the nails that kept the frames together. Ariel tried to grab my arm but i just pushed her off. "Leave dammit!" Looking over at her, she looked hurt but nodded her head and left. I could feel some tears run down my cheeks when she closed the door. A part of me didn't want her to go, wanted her to see that I needed her.

When my hand start to burn more, I got up and rushed to my bathroom. Turning the water on and placing my hand under it. There was a sting but it didn't last long.

"This is shit. This whole thing is shit."

I let my eyes trail and they landed n the bottle on the toilet. It was a prescription bottle. It was empty. The label has my brothers name one it. I knew what I was doing was bad, but it helped me. I grabbed the bottle and threw it away. I knew where to get more when I needed to.

After taking a quick shower, I walked down stairs to get me something to drink. I didn't notice at first but I had guests over. As I walked down the stairs, I could hear Ariel and Octavia argue about. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. It was almost empty besides a few things to make a sandwich with and bottled water. I grabbed a bottle and closed the door.

I leaned against the counter and opened the bottle. At first it wouldn't open but then it did. Then someone said my name. I didn't know who said it because I didn't recognize the voice. I didn't dare look up to see who it was. That was until my mind processed who it was. "Oh hello Jacob, what are you doing here?" My voice kept cracking every time I spoke and I could barely understand myself. I guess I still smelled like alcohol because he made a look.

I was waiting for him to answer but then I was bragged back upstairs by Ariel. She looked worried when we reached my room. "I'm gonna leave with Jacob to go to the game, Octavia is gonna stay here with you," she said as she started to change out of my clothes.

"i don't need a babysitter." I sat down on my bed and watched her. She finished putting on her shirt and shoes on and turned to look at me.

"You do, and to make sure you don't do anything," she walked into my bathroom and grabbed all the bottles, "you won't be needing these."

"You can't take those!" I tried to reason with her but she wasn't taking it. She kissed me and then started to walk out.

"I'll be back in a few hours, be good."

I laid in my bed, just staring at the ceiling. I felt my bed go down but I didn't pay attention to it. It wouldn't be good to. I knew who it was and what she wanted.

"So, how's it going Ash?" I didn't respond. Instead, I closed my eyes and tried to ignore her.

"What's with the silent treatment baby? Don't you enjoy my company? I think you do, after all, you haven't gotten rid of me."

"I can't get rid of you, you won't leave." I covered my ears with my hands. I shouldn't have said anything.

"Of course you can get rid of me."

I felt something touch my side. I picked it up and looked at it. It was a small white bottle.I tried to figure out what it was but there was no name or wrapper around it. I looked over to where she was with a confused look on my face but she wasn't there.

Opening the bottle, there was 20 pills in there. So I did what I'd normally do, and emptied it onto my hand. "Here goes nothing," and with that i shoved the whole thing into my mouth.

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