Day 2

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"We think you should get a therapist."

I almost chocked on my food when my father spoke those words. It hasn't been a week and I need a therapist? After the game, Jacob drove me home and helped me walk into the house. I felt sick and everything wouldn't stop spinning. Jacob must of explained what had happened and got my parents worried. Stupid Jacob. This was the last thing I needed. After the dance, every parent was informed about what happened. My mother insisted on taking me out of the school but my father talked her out of it. 

"I don't need one," I explained as I shoved a piece of steak into my mouth. 

I waited for one of them to say anything but nothing. My father looked over at my mom but she never spoke. She was too focused on whatever was on the tablet. Due to everything, they are starting a case for what happened to the girl and just my luck, they gave it to my mother. 

"Excuse me," she said as she got up and walked upstairs.

"So hows that Jacob kid? I don't remember seeing him at practice this afternoon." I didn't know how to respond. I didn't even know myself where he was, so how can I tell you? "He's good, he told me he had something important to deal with, probably some family problems," I lied, or at least half lied. My father was the coach for the Junior football team and I guess he wasn't happy when his number one didn't show up. 

"Did you know her?" This question caught me off guard. I looked over at him with a confused look on my face. He must of noticed and answered his own question. "The girl that killed herself, the one with all the markings all over herself." "No, I barely knew her. We talked at least once," another lie. "Her parents must be devastated, I don't know what I'd do if I lost you like that," he paused to make sure I was paying attention, "you'd tell me if you were thinking about doing that wouldn't you?"

"Oh my god dad, can we not talk about this?" His expression changed when I said that. He didn't look mad, just upset. "I'm just worried about you." And with that he got up and went into the kitchen, leaving me alone. 

I was sitting in the meeting spot when I felt the bench go down. Looking over I seen Ashton sitting next to me. She didn't look good, like she hasn't gotten any sleep in months. After what happened to her, I don't think I'd blame her. She didn't say anything and I didn't mind. 

"What's up fuckers!"

I look up to see Octavia walking up to us and with Ariel not too far behind her. I watched as Ariel sat next to Ash and kiss her on the check. She whispered something but I couldn't make it out. Looking back to Octavia, she was trying to cover a fresh new hickey that was on her neck. 

"You know, these cops are a real pain in the ass. Can't even breath without them asking questions," Oct complained. It seemed like she wasn't happy about what happened either. It was a few minutes until Jacob showed up. He placed a kiss on my forehead and then sat on the ground in front of us. I tried to offer him my seat but he refused, saying that the ground was a lot comfier. Everyone laughed besides Ash. I wanted to ask her what was wrong but I guess Ariel read my mind and shook her head. 

"She's tired from track," was all she said. I watched as Ash laid her head on Ariel's shoulder and closed her eyes. I felt a little sorry for her. When the bell rang, we all went our separate ways. 

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