Morning 3

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I sat in the cop car for a few minutes. I watched as everyone was forced into the cars and drove off. The lady was too busy on her computer. She looked really young and new. When she looked up, she had a surprise look on her face. When she realized that everyone was already gone, she started the car up and we left. 

She parked in the police parking lot and opened the door. Walking over, she opened my door and pulled me out. We walked into the building and down a hall. There were a few doors here and there. I could hear a mans voice ask someone some questions and the other person would answer. 

When we got to the end of the hall, she opened the door and walked in. Taking the cuffs off, she told me to sit down and wait for my lawyer to come into the room. So that's what I did. I waited and waited and waited. I tapped my fingers on the table. Annoyed as all hell.

Soon enough, they walked in. But they were too busy arguing. I had to clear my voice to get their attention. The woman looked at me first. She gave me a smile and walked towards me. 

"Hello Ariel my name is-"

"I know who you are and why you're here," I interrupted. 

Without arguing, she sat down and checked her files. The male walked over and sat in front of me. He didn't say anything. He was silent for a few minutes. I just sat there waiting. 

"Do you know Ashton?" He asked. 

"She's my girlfriend," I answered. 

He looked through the files he had in front of him.  He looked through it and looked up at me. He probably already knows that i know Ashton and everyone else here. 

"Do you know Jasmine?" He was asking simple questions. And I was going to give him simple answers 


"It says here you two had first together. Have you and her talk? Like due to projects?"


He looked like he was getting annoyed. He didn't like that I wasn't explaining myself. I only smiled on the inside. That was before he asked a serious question. 

"Did Octavia kill Jasmine?"

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