Noon 1

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It was a rough morning. Had to wake up because someone had to get rid of some surveillance video. But when she showed me one of them and told me to call him, I didn't asked any questions.

If things weren't bad enough, I had to have a damn surveillance video recording me. Never knew there was a camera there. I guess things can happen when you least expect it.

I was forced to go to Ashtons places so we could handle our little problem. Things were awkward. This was the last place I wanted to be. But luck was on my side. When I walked up to the house, his car wasn't there.

When I got there, Ariel wasn't there. I heard a crash and then some yelling. I decided to wait. It had to be Ariel and Ash arguing again because soon she came downstairs. She looked like she was about to cry. I was about to ask her if everything was ok but Jacob walked in.

"And here I thought you'd be at school with a cock 3 inches down your throat," he said pointing at me.

"Oh fuck you Jacob, I don't do that everyday, unlike you." He looked like he was gonna say something else but Ariel beat him to it.

"Get rid of it, now," she said pointing to the computer screen.

I watched as he walked over to the preset laptop and watch the video. His face turned from calm to disgusted real quick. It was humiliating. I didn't want to watch it all over again so I went to sit in the living room. Sitting in the living room I could hear Jacob yell at me. 

"You really need to be careful, hacking into the schools camera isn't safe, let alone what you were doing."

"Just shut the fuck up and delete it!"

It was bad enough he wasn't talking to me. I checked my phone but still nothing. I had texted him before I left my place. I don't understand, does he not want me anymore? Was this just a just doing it just to do it? I really thought there was a connection. Did he just agree because his wife was always gone? I remember when I went to go see him he told me we couldn't be doing this anymore.

"I could lose my job," he said. 

"I have a wife," he said. It was heart breaking. He told me he was going to leave his wife for me. I took a deep breath and wiped my face.

A few hours passed and me and Ariel were talking. She was going through her bag. Taking some stuff out then putting them back in. She didn't look happy but she didn't look upset either. She's never really been one to show her emotions but sometimes she fails. 

"Me and Jacob are going to go to the game, you will stay here with Ashton. Check up on her every couple of minutes and whatever you do, do not leave before we come back."

"Why do I have to watch her? She's a grown woman, she can take care of herself!" She was starting to piss me off. Taking care of someone that looks like she's about to drop dead any second? Just let the girl kill herself if she wants to. 

"Because you have nowhere else to be," she says giving me a smile as she got up and walked into the kitchen where Jacob was. I could hear him talking to someone and then ask about Ash. She must of came out of her room while Ariel wasn't looking. 

I watched as Jacob and Ariel went out the door. Ariel turned around and looked back at me. She gave me a stern look and pointed right at me. "Stay here," she says before turning around and walking out. All I did was bark in response. 

A few hours passed and it started to get boring. The only thing that was on was the news and it was just full of that stupid bitch. Her story was all they talked about. It was annoying. Everyone knows she deserved it. Eve if it was labeled as a suicide, she got what was coming to her.

While I was rolling my eyes to everything I felt something vibrate. I picked my phone up and realized someone was calling me. The caller ID was unknown, so I just ignored it. It was a few minutes before the number called again. I got annoyed and answered it. 

"Listen here jackass, stop calling me. I don't know who this is but cut it out!"

"And here I thought you'd want to talk to me."

His voice was like music to my ears. i could feel my body turn to mush whenever he spoke. I didn't know why he was using another number but I didn't care. All I wanted was to be where ever he was. I didn't say anything for a second. He always knew how to leave me speechless.

"Hello? Bunny are you there?"

"Yes! I'm here. What's up?"

"I'd like to see you."

All I remember is getting up and walking back to my place. I threw almost everything in my closet out to find something to wear. I ended up wearing a dark blue dress. It was strapless with a slit on the left side. I grabbed a pair of my moms black high hills and walked out of the house. I opened the car door. My phone went off. It was a message from Mr. James. 

'Follow the directions and then ask for room 221' 

I put the directions into my gps and drove off. The sky started to get dark and I knew the game wasn't going to be over until 10 tonight. It was only 6:12. I had enough time to go see him and then be back home before Ariel got back. 

'Your destination is on your right'

I look up and notice that it was a hotel. It didn't have a lot of people in the parking lot. A few cars here and there. I walked into the building and asked for room 221. The front desk told me which flood it was on and allowed me to go ahead. She had a worried look on her face. I went to the elevator and pressed floor two. 

The small room jerked a little before it started moving. My heart started to pound. After everything that's happened, he still wants to see me. Soon the elevator stops and the doors open. I step out and took a left. As I walked down the hallway and looked at every door until I came across the right one. I knocked on the door and it opened. Without saying a word I walked in.

The moment the door closed our hands were all over each other. Touching places someone would be to flustered to say. Clothes flying off without another thought. Before we knew it, we both were on the bed. But that was all I could remember before waking up to my phone going off. I looked at the caller ID and noticed Ariel's name. I answered the phone with a scratchy voice. 

"What the hell do you want?" I could hear the anger in her voice but it also seemed like she was crying. 

"Oh fuck," was all I had to say in response. 

Till DeathNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ