Night 2

14 2 1

Everything is messed up. All of this is so fucked up. They're making everything worse then it already is. We need to do something, before its to late.

I sat in my bedroom just scrolling through my phone. The girl from yesterday won't even open my messages. It started to make me feel like shit, but I didn't really care. Ariel has been keeping me updated on how Ash was doing. Apparently, she ODed while Ariel was with me. Octavia wasn't even there to look after her. This made Ariel upset and cuss Oct out over the phone. She said that Ash would be discharged in the morning, so she'd be at school.

My parents ended up coming up early from their business trip because "they're worried about my well being." I call bs on that. They probably came back because they were tired of sitting in meetings everyday.

The bell rang as I was finishing up changing. Coach Rojas chewed my out for not showing up yesterday but I didn't listen to everything. When he asked me where i was, i told him the same thing I told Heidi, "I had something important to take care of." He didn't believe me i guess and made me do 20 suicides the whole period. The bad part about it is that he benched me for the rest of the semester.

I walked out to the court yard when the group often  meets up at. I seen the back of Ariel as she  walked out of the door. As I got closer, I noticed Ash sitting next to Ariel with her head on her shoulder. She looked horrible. I heard Ariel tell Heidi that she was tired from track, I guess no one told Heidi yet. They're probably never going too. We talked until the bell went off again. I walked Heidi to her class and went towards mine.As I was walking, I notice Octavia walking towards the office. I grabbed her before she opened the door and pulled her outside.

"You need to stop this," I told her but she didn't seem to care.

"And what are you going to do? Gonna threaten me like you did that girl? Gonna cut me big boy?"

Octavia was the school tease and a complete slut. And she knows it, but I guess she just doesn't care. I never really cared about how she lives her life, but right now, she's gonna mess up one of these days and bring the rest of us with her. She pushed me off of her and started to walk back inside.

"It was nice talking to you Chesley, but you're gonna make me miss my meeting with Mr. James."

I decided to forget it and get to class. As i was walking, I noticed a few of the police were walking around the school. One of them noticed me and walked up. "Are you Jacob Chelsey?" One of them asked. There was three of them. One was short and chubby and the other two were tall buff guys. One had dark skin and a fresh hair up and the other looked like he just got done tanning.

"Yes? Can I ask why do you need to know?" I could feel my heart start to race.

"Turn around and put your arms behind your back." The hair cut officer told me. I watched as the tan officer took some cuffs out and got them ready to put them on me. "I think you mistaken, I didn't do anything. What am I being arrested for?" I slowly backed up and was gonna make a run for it but the chubby officer pushed me against the wall and cuffed me.

"Jacob Chesley, you are being arrested for the murder of Jasmine Stimle. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you do not have one, one will be provided for you. Do you understand your rights?" He said as we walked down the halls.

Just my luck, the bell rang for everyone to go home. Many kids watched and others took their phones out. When we made it outside, I seen Ariel and Ashton. It looked like it took two cops to keep control of Ash. She was going crazy, but it was probably due to the drugs.

"Let me go, I need to help Ash. She'll have a panic attack if you keep doing this!" Ariel wasn't happy either. A female officer pushed her into the back of the car and closed the door.

"I didn't do anything. You don't have anything against me. You can't do this!" She screamed, as she was pushed against the car by two female cops. They pat her down and one of them found a two baggies. One full of white powder and the other full of pills. "Those aren't mine! I don't know how that got there! Some one is trying to frame me!" "I highly doubt that kid," one of the females said and put her in the back of the car.

Soon it was my turn to be patted down. While this was going on, I could hear Mr. James' voice, trying to tell the cops that they made a mistake. I didn't have to look back to know that they had Octavia in cuffs too. Without a warning, the chubby officer threw me into the back of the cop car.

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