Day 1

16 2 0

It was the day after I found her. Bruises n cuts all over her body. Her glossy eyes. It was horrible. Horrifying even. Jacob told me it was going to be ok after the cops questioned us. He told me I have nothing to worry about because they have nothing on us. I agreed and decided to live my life normally. Jacob told me he wasn't going to be able to pick me up today, he had something "important" to deal with. So i was forced to take the bus. It was a little crowded. I tried to text Ariel and see if she was ready for the game this afternoon, but I got no reply. Then I tried to text Ashton, still nothing. I decided to let it slide for right now and just focus on the moving cars as they pass by. We reached the bus port and the cops were still here. Their black and white cars still parked in the front and some stopping kids to question them. You would think they'd leave it alone since they labeled it as a suicide.  Due to what happened, no one was allowed to use room 220 for the rest of the school year. Yellow tap covered the door. This wasn't my normal route to meet up with the cheer squad but I just couldn't help but walk by. Wondering who could actually take their own life, especially in a school.

Classes were full of suicide prevention and how to tell or help someone that's thinking about taking their own life. Almost everyone complained about it. I don't blame them. It's not something people want to talk about. Once class was over I decided to call Jacob, but all i got was his voice mail. I didn't understand. His parents were away on business meetings so what was so important that he couldn't call me back? I decided to just forget about it and go on with the rest of my classes. It was the end of the day and I waited for all of the girls to show up. We needed to practice for the game that's about to start in two hours. Everyone showed up besides Ariel. We couldn't sit here and wait for her to show up. 

"Ok ladies, lets go ahead and start with the cheer," I said as I clapped my hands. 

Soon it was time for the game. The football players ran onto the field and everyone was cheering. I looked through the group of guys and tried to find number 21. 

"Please be here."

I couldn't find it. I wanted to go up and ask where he was but I couldn't move. The cheering turned into muffled sound and something didn't feel right. I looked around and i was in the classroom. Jacob was there in front of me smiling. That was when I seen it. There's a glossy white board in the front of the room and the lights from the gym next door made the room light up. At first i thought it was just one of the skeleton the science classes have but then I realized that the skeleton was by the door. 

I pushed Jacob off of me and looked towards the back of the classroom. As if on cue, a bright light shinned into the room and relieved what was there. A girl with short black hair and brown skin. A really short girl. I screamed and fell backwards. That was when everything went back to normal. Ariel and Jacob was standing in front of me asking if i was ok. They were both in their uniforms and had a concern look on their face. Ariel was the first to give me her hand. I took it. 

"We should get you home," Jacob spoke. 

Till DeathOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz