Chapter 3

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I fell asleep after a silly amount of tossing and turning. So that is Shuichi, huh? I had heard a lot of employees talk about him. They said that he was an introvert, but got along with people easily. He is not only in charge of the information department, but he is also a detective. He was the 'Ultimate Detective' so it made sense. I closed my eyes- hoping to at least get a little bit of sleep before work.

Ding. Ding. Ding.
"What is it now?" I yelled. This time the buzzing was not my alarm, but my phone. I had had five missed calls from D.I.C.E. I immediately called them back.
"What's wrong?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes as I got up. All of a sudden, a joyful tune could be heard from the other side of the phone.
"Happy Birthday to you~" they sang. My feet stopped moving and a smile plastered on my face. It was my birthday.
"Aww Nishsishi~ you remembered!" I giggled. I put on my white shirt and brushed my teeth, all in the midst of talking to them.
Once I was done, I went to the Information Department and entered the Main Room.

Everyone was staring at something. I looked to the left of the room and there was Shuichi. All the employees tried to make it seem that they weren't looking at him, but it just made it more obvious. I took my Hope-Lie sheet and I headed to the first room. I was halfway down the corridor when I heard someone call my name.
"Kokichi! Slow down!"
I turned around to see Shuichi out of breath.
"Heyyy Shuichi!" I sang. The bluenette smiled at me.
"You have been doing really well in the information department. Even though you have been here a day, you have made over 200 Hope Fragments!" he stated. I was really happy that I was getting noticed in work.
"I have? Well that's pretty impressive," I happily responded.
"So, I heard it was your birthday today," Shuichi carried on. I gave him a curious stare. What was he planing?
"Nope it's tomorrow!" I joked. He looked at me confused. "Nsishsish~ kidding! Yep it is my birthday. I bet you that so many bad things are going to happen today. After all, I'm the Ultimate Supreme Leader!" I sang. He looked at me as if he was trying to figure out something.
"Anyhow, I'll be giving you the day off since it is your birthday and I was wondering if you would like to come with me; I also have a day off," the bluenette requested. I thought about it for a minute before responding.
"Sure, but make sure I don't get bored!" I laughed.

Shuichi gave me the option that we could go to the cafeteria or the leader's section. The leader's section was almost like a mansion (just for the leaders) and it's purpose was for entertainment. There was a cinema, theatre, an arcade and much more. Employees didn't know about this place, well now I do. It was a far walk, but then it was all worth it when we made it.
"Shuichiiii! This is so cool!" I squealed. Shuichi laughed, "Ya, I guess it is." He took the keys out and unlocked the massive door guarding the colourful lights inside. The door unlocked with a satisfying click and I ran in. It was like an indoor shopping mall, but with party lights everywhere.
"So where do you want to go first?" Shuichi asked.
"The arcade!" I yelled.
"Alright, to the arcade we go."
We went up the elavator and into the arcade. Rows of machines with energetically colourful screens welcomed us as we walked in. Underneath us was a desk blue carpet- with no speck of dust on it whatsoever. My eyes darted around the room. They probably had every single arcade game in the world. From VR games to the classic Pac-Man.
"Amazing, is it not?" A mysterious voice behind me asked. I jumped and turned around.
"Korekiyo!" Shuichi gasped. "You scared us!"
The tall boy looked at me and said,
"You wonder, 'who is this?' Yes I shall make that clear first. I am Korekiyo Shinguji, in change of the Welfare Department."
"Nishsi~ Hey there Kiyo, I'm Kokichi Oma!" I said joyfully.
"The Kokichi Oma? As in-" Korekiyo started, but then stopped when he looked at Shuichi. I didn't bother looking up to see Shuichi's facial expression, but whatever it was made Kiyo stop talking.
"A-anyways I shall go. Have fun. Keheh..." Korekiyo replied sprinting off. How odd.
"So Shuichi let's play! I challenge you to a shadow game!" I declared confidently.
"I'm not very good at games, nor shadow games," Shuichi sighed. I was about to take my pack of cards out when I saw something.
"Oooo~! A VR haunted house game! I wanna playy!" I ran to the game and put the headset on.
"Come on Shuichi!"
"Haha, coming."
I spent an hour or three winning and losing at the arcade games. It is a lot of fun hanging out with Shuichi. I hope that we do it more often.
"Kokichi you must be hungry," Shuichi asked.
"Wow do you read minds? I am!" I giggled.
"There is a restaurant downstairs, want to go?"
"Yes, yes and yes again. Lead the way Shumai!"
He laughed at what I had called him and we went to the elevator.

The restaurant was a buffet, with all the foods around the world.
"We only have one restaurant, so it makes sense that it would be a buffet," Shuichi responded.
"Do you ever eat at the cafeteria?" I asked.
"Sometimes...but most of the time not really."
"I see!"
The seats were a velvety red and the tables were made out of marble. It was a lavish restaurant. I saw that there were only a few waiters and there was a grand door leading to what I'd presume was the food section. This. Was. So. Cool.  We sat down at the back and I looked at Shuichi. He was staring at the menu with a concentrated look on his face. I smiled.
"Would you like to go and have a look at the food?" Shuichi questioned when he looked back up.
"You know it," I sang happily. We walked over to the food section. A mixture of scents waved around my nose and my eyes took in the collection of exquisite delicacies. Shuichi handed me a plate and he helped himself to the food. I walked around, trying to see what I'd like. I ended up picking gyoza, which was surprisingly shaped as a face, and a sushi platter.
"You done?" Shuichi asked.
"Yep, let's go!"
We sat back down and started eating. I then started a conversation about Shuichi's detective work. He told me about all of his cases and how he lived with his uncle. He then asked me about my evil corporation. To his dismay, every time I would say 'It's a secret' or 'It's a lie.' We finished eating and we decided to roam around.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" Shuichi requested. A movie? I wonder what movies there are. Oh! Maybe they have action or comedy. I do like movies.
"Sure, whatever you say Shumai!" I responded. We walked to the cinema and the person working there greeted us. We had a look at all of the movies showing.
"What about this comedy one?" he pointed out.
"Oki doki. I like comedy movies because you don't have to think when you watch them," I responded.
"Comedy it is."
We went through the large red doors and sat down on the seats. It was just us two in the cinema. The movie started and me and Shuichi watched it intently. Well...almost intently if we both didn't start a conversation every ten minutes.
"Wow, you get up to a lot of stuff in the Information department," I laughed.
"Ya I guess I do, but truthfully it was awful running around for an hour," he said.
"I could imagine. When I'm on mission with D.I.C.E, we are always on the run!" Both him and I laughed and before we knew it the movie ended. We walked out of the cinema and I saw on Shuichi's clock that it was 7.
"Wow it's already 7 Shumai. I guess time goes by when you're having fun!" I giggled.
"Ya I guess, I've had a lot of fun with you Kokichi."
"Awwww is it already over?" I pouted.
"Haha, no we can do this every Saturday."
"Like every Saturday we spend time together?" I asked hopefully.
"Sure, why not," he smiled. I smiled back at him.
"Oki then Shumai. See you tomorrow at work!" I yelled jumping. He opened the door that we entered with and there we saw Rantaro.
"Oh, hi Rantaro," Shuichi said calmly. Although he looked worried.
"Hello Shuichi, Hello Kokichi," Rantaro responded. "W-wait Kokichi?" Rantaro exclaimed confused.
"Nishishi~ Hi Avocado," I teased.
"Look Rantaro, may I bring Kokichi here whenever I please?" Shuichi pleaded. Rantaro glared angrily at him, but then calmed down.
"Sure. Why not. Just make sure Byakuya does not see," Rantaro sighed and then looked down. He walked off and into the mansion behind us. I looked up to see Shuichi had a confused face.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Rantaro once caught another leader, Tenko Chabashira, bringing a friend down here and let's just say he didn't like it. No one but leaders are meant to come here and bringing someone else is forbidden. People think the rule is stupid like Korekiyo which is why he didn't mind you there, but Rantaro likes to follow the rules...sometimes," Shuichi explained. It was interesting how he made an exception for me, but nevertheless I was thankful. This place was truly amazing and I had the best birthday ever.
"I see. Welp! I guess I can come here again then!" I exclaimed.
"Of course you can, but just make sure you're accompanied by me. Ok?"
"Oki doki! Nishishi~"

Shuichi and I exited out of the Mansion and we walked to my room.
"I had a lot of fun Shumai! All thanks to you! I'm totes surprised," I giggled.
"Haha I'm glad, remember every Saturday we meet up at the main room," he stated.
"I know don't worry I'll be there. Other than that though, I'll be seeing you everyday as I work at your department righhht?" I sang.
"I guess you will be. Oh wait, I got you a present. Here," he laughed.
I took the present out of his hand. It was wrapped with sparkly purple wrapping paper.
" I think that I'm being spoilt. Haha, but for real, thank you," I smiled. It was not often that I got a present from someone other than D.I.C.E.
"Alright then, I'm going to order dinner and then go to bed, got it?" I giggled.
"Mhm, good bye Kokichi and once again Happy Birthday," he responded while walking off.
"Thankssssss! Nishishi!" I laughed while entering my room. I immediately opened the present that he gave me. Inside was a keychain, but not any old keychain, a phanta bottle keychain. I guess the lady at the cafeteria reception and told him about my prank calls  and my endless ordering of phanta.  I smiled while placing the keychain on my bedside table. "Thank you Shuichi."
T—r ——g — —-.

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