Chapter 35 • Finale

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~•~ Three Years Later ~•~

What was done was done and I did all that I could. The corporation was thriving. We were getting more Hope-Lies by the minute and we were expanding our buildings. So far we had two buildings in the outside world and multiple buildings underground. The benefit of this was that leaders and workers could continue their original life in the real world and work at the corporation. It was the perfect solution and becoming the new leader of the corporation really was fun. I have the perfect life. All of us do. Everyone stayed working for the corporation, only Byakuya and Maki have left. However, over these three years the personalities of the leaders have really shone. I feel like they had forgotten their ultimate talents. Rantaro has gotten back into travelling the world, in fact he just left for Singapore. Korekiyo has gone back to studying anthropology in his free time. Maki left the corporation straight after I had become leader, her location is unknown...for now at least. Tenko has become an aikido teacher on the weekends and then works at the corporation on weekdays. I don't know how she does it. Now for the other people, Mikan left the corporation and has become a professional doctor, she still comes around sometimes to check up on us. Although, it's a mystery about Fuyuhiko and that other girl...Peko. They came as fast as they left. I didn't even get to say bye- not that I would want to. I looked down at my arm, remembering the injection. After I had confined that I didn't want to be immortal, they injected me with something else. A blue liquid. I was quite skeptic at first, but Shuichi told me that it would be alright so I got it. They were right, I'm no longer immortal and I feel content about that. Shuichi also changed from immortal to mortal. He felt like it was better if  he would get it too, so that it didn't seem weird. I flipped through some documents of the new Hope-Lies. Surprisingly, all of the Hope-Lies have become calmer with us workers now. There are barely any escapes or deaths, of course, from time to time someone dies but it's nothing I'm not used to now. Although, that is quite miserable to say. Nevertheless, it is my job. Speaking of Hope-Lies, some of them have been released to the wild. Us leaders at the corporation realised that some Hope-Lies were practically human. Despite the fact that some can transform into plants and animals or something crazy like that. For example, Yuri lives freely on her own in a small house on the hills. It's quite the drive to get to but Shuichi and I wouldn't miss seeing her for the world. She told me that she's gotten back into ballet, which is great. She's thinking of becoming a ballet teacher after hearing Tenko's story of becoming a teacher. Although, she's still contemplating about that. I put my head in my hand and hummed. That was until I felt a tug at my blazer. I looked at the boy who had done it. I sighed as the boy's hair was a mess and his eyebrows furrowed. He seemed frustrated.
"Father, are you daydreaming again?" Come on!" Hoshi sighed. I frowned and looked at Hoshi. His pink hair was unbrushed and he was looking irritable.
"Were you sleeping again?" I murmured and ruffled his hair. I stood up and hugged my boy. Hoshi was quite small despite being nine, which was good for me because I was also pretty small- although I don't admit I think that to others.
"Ya, I just took a nap. My stars showed that I was tired," he smiled. I shook my head.
"Hoshi, don't lie to me. Where did you teleport to?" I questioned him. "You can't get any lie past me!" I chuckled and folded my hands. Hoshi sighed dramatically before looking down. I frowned, he was always teleporting somewhere. It wasn't safe.
"I know that you said that I couldn't teleport anywhere but...I went to the corporation," he mumbled. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Why?" I questioned him. Hoshi smiled a cheerful smile.
"I went to get this!" he exclaimed and held up Shuichi's black hat. I laughed, he was as bad as me. Well it makes sense, I am practically raising him. I nodded and took the hat.
"What to do with this?" I sighed and grinned.
"Well he doesn't wear it anymore so I think we can get rid of it," Hoshi stated with a grin. I nodded before Hoshi gasped.
"The doors unlocking," he stated and ran out of the room, leaving me with the hat. I looked down at it. Shuichi always hid his confidence within this hat. I chucked it on my desk and walked out of my office. The house I had bought was quite big, of course it had to fit the three of us. I walked up to the door and opened it. I smiled a little as the person in front of me fiddled with their suit.
"Welcome home!" I yelled. Shuichi stared at me in disbelief and then clutched his ears.
"You don't have to yell every time," he mumbled. I giggled as Hoshi pushed past me and hugged Shuichi.
"Hi father! What's up?" he smiled. I giggled. Hoshi has developed such a personality. Shuichi smiled at the boy and ruffled his hair before kissing the top of his head.
"I'm good Hoshi, people said that you were at the corporation today," Shuichi started and Hoshi pulled away from his father and nodded. Both Hoshi and Shuichi walked away from the main door and to me. I smiled at both of them. My house was complete with my husband, Shuichi, and our kid, Hoshi.
Shuichi walked up to me and kissed me. I smiled and compiled to the kiss. Although, the sound of shuffled feet made me open my eyes. Hoshi was standing next to Shuichi and was taking off his wedding ring. Hoshi skipped off to the back of the room and waved the ring in the air. Wow, this kid has really become like me. I broke off the kiss with a laugh and pointed at Hoshi. Shuichi furrowed his eyebrows before looking at the young boy himself.
"Hoshi! No, don't run-" Shuichi started but my little precious prankster laughed and took off. Shuichi sighed irritably before running off after him. I burst out laughing. Sometimes I feel bad for my husband- having to deal with two jokers. Although, I don't think he would change this life of his for the world and neither would I.


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