Chapter 32

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Love? He...loves me? I don't know what to say. Do I love him too? I...guess that bit is obvious, as I do love him. However, I was considering of leaving him because I didn't know where we stood. Now that I do, should I go back home? What's the point in going back home, anyways? I don't have anything there as stated before. I hummed a little and tried to get out of the hug, but Shuichi didn't show any signs of letting go of me.
"Do you love me too?" Shuichi asked. I sighed, there was no use lying to him. I need to tell him the truth. That I do love him, but that I don't want to be here. Here was hectic and weird.
"Yes," I muttered. I frowned, what to do. I don't know anymore. I hummed.
"What am I going to do?" I sighed and finally got out of his hug. I frowned and glanced at the wall. I had two options: go back home or stay here. Both options made me uneasy in my stomach. Who knows which one is the right one to choose? Is this what Yuri meant when she said that I would have a choice in the end? If this was it, then I understand what she meant. This was a difficult decision. If I stayed at the corporation, then I would live here with Shuichi- most likely- and who knows what would happen? I would be working here and Shu would be working at my side and maybe we could adopt kids and have a nice life. It would be fun with the other leaders and I could make more friends. Although, I could go back home and spend more time with DICE and I could forget about all of this and just leave. I would resume my boring life and maybe find someone else. Not someone that I love like Shuichi, but someone that is decent enough. Decent enough...I don't want decent. I want Shuichi and I have him now. I just don't like the environment. I groaned, I'm so confused.
"Kokichi, look at the bright side. If you stay here, then you'll get to live with me and not only that you get to work here. If you don't want to be immortal, then I can easily get you another injection," Shuichi continued to persuade me. I sighed and looked at Shuichi.
"How many injections do you guys have?" I murmured. Shuichi laughed a little.
"Hundreds," Shuichi answered. I shuffled my feet and blinked a couple of times.
"So I can go back to being a human?" I asked. Shuichi raised his eyebrow in confusion.
"Just because you're immortal, doesn't mean you're not human," Shuichi commented. I rolled my eyes, that wasn't the point. Shuichi stayed silent and I did, too. I do love Shuichi and I guess I don't mind staying here. Staying here...
I'm still not convinced.
"Are you still not persuaded?" Shuichi frowned. I nodded and looked once again at the floor.
"Hey...what if you come with me?" I smiled all of a sudden and perked up. Shuichi frowned a little. I inhaled a breath, this would be the most perfect decision for us.
"What if we leave the corporation?!" I exclaimed and ideas started to brew in my head. The scenario would work out, wouldn't it? Shuichi and I would leave the corporation, find a house somewhere in the real world and live out our lives. No one telling us what to do or keeping secrets from us. We would be free. Who needs a choice when you can make your own world?
"I think that..." I started and trailed off. I bit my lip. What if Shuichi gets mad with the idea? What if he doesn't want to leave the corporation and I'm being selfish? Am I being selfish? I don't think so, I just want the best situation for us. Yes, for us not for me. Shuichi should get a say in this also, whether it's him saying yes to the idea or him saying no.
"You think that?" Shuichi broke me from my thoughts. I shook my head, my purple hair shaking with me. I gulped and decided that telling him was for the best.
"I think that we should leave the corporation together. We could have a small house and adopt kids and just be happy. I don't think that we would be happy here," I started. Shuichi had a sad look in his eyes so I quickly continued. "Just imagine it. You could get another job and I could get another one too. Our house could be small or it could be big. I don't know, but I just think that life would be exciting!" I smiled. Shuichi looked at the floor in doubt. I sighed. He didn't like the idea. Was he that attached to the corporation? I didn't think that he was. I thought that he would be happy leaving with me. I guess I thought wrong. My smiled dropped a little.
"What do you want then?" I asked him. Shuichi looked at the floor for a moment before looking up and smiling slightly.
"I guess I want to stay here," Shuichi explained briefly. I furrowed my eyebrows. Why does he want to stay here? What is here? There is nothing here! Nothing. I shook my head, that's what I think. Shu probably thinks something totally different.
"What is here though?" I murmured. "There is nothing here from what I'm looking at."
"Here is home...for me, of course. I love it here, but not only that, there are some arrangements here that I would love to share with you," Shuichi responded. Arrangements?
"Such as," I spoke up. Shuichi started to smile a bright smile, as if we had resolved everything.
"Each leader is getting their own house. They get to design the house too. It would be wonderful for us," he stated. A house? That would be nice, I guess. Our own little home within the corporation. That...sounds alright. "However, wouldn't we feel trapped and pressured? I mean can we even leave this place every now and then? I recall you saying that you're stuck here like a prison," I commented back. Shuichi shuffled his feet and looked at the wall.
"Yes, but that was with our old boss, Byakuya is quitting as he has a new job remember?" Shu replied back. I frowned once again.
"What about the new leader? Who is he?" I questioned him. I mean, what if the new leader is as bad as Byakuya. Then I definitely want to leave and I don't care if I have to drag Shu along with me. Shuichi hummed a little and smiled lightly.
"Look, I think that you deserve to know this now. Byakuya is stepping down and of course we need a new leader. The reason that we made you immortal in the first place is because you will be the next leader."

They're lying to you.
Do not trust a-yone

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