Chapter 24

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Annoying. She was the definition of annoying and grumpy. I sighed and folded my arms.
"Are you even listening?" Maki growled at me.
"What do you think I'm doing?" I raised my eyebrow. She frowned. I shuffled my feet and glanced at the angry girl beside me. I promised Maki that I would take charge of her department for a day, so here I am.
"I don't know. Staring off into space when you should be listening to me," she muttered. I rolled my eyes. Maki then frowned and shoved me through a red door.
"Hey!" I yelled at her. She shrugged at my response. I looked around her department. I frowned, it wasn't as different as the others.
"So where are all the trainees? This is the training department, isn't it?" I questioned her.
"It is, but they are working with Hope-Lies right now. Come, I'll take you to my office," she stated and then walked off. I followed her and we soon arrived at a black door. She opened it with a key and let me in. I darted my eyes around the room. There were stacks of paper everywhere and the room itself looked like a mess. There were a couple of scratches on the wall and on the floors which made the room have an unsettling feeling.
"Did a fight go down here or something?" I questioned her. She sighed and nodded. I frowned, wow Maki.
"Who did you fight?" I asked, while walking down to some of the papers on the floor.
"Just a trainee," she murmured. I jumped back up. A trainee? Why on earth would she fight one of them? That's just stupid!
"Are you kidding? Maki why would you do that?" I sighed, she glared at me in response.
"Do you think that it's my fault? That idiotic trainee came to me and said that I was an awful leader," she yelled at me. I grinned.
"Let me guess, you then asked them 'Do you want to die?' Then you guys fought," I summed up, giggling. She rolled her eyes at me.
"Anyways, just look through the papers on the desk...and please clean up the room," she grumbled. I folded my arms and tapped my feet gently on the floor.
"I'm not you maid," I exclaimed dramatically.
"Do know what? Just do what I say, after all you promised that you would help my department," she spoke up and walked near the exit door.
"I lied. I'm not helping you," I laughed and ran to the door. A sharp pain crawled up my arm and I groaned. What was that? I turned around and saw Maki twisting my arm. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Pfft. Maki don't trust liars," I grinned as she twisted it a little more to the left.
"I don't want to deal with any dead bodies," she sighed and let go of my arm. I let out a sigh and touched my arm. It hurt...a lot. I clicked my tongue and shook my arm.
"So all I have to do is clean up the room and go through these papers?" I mumbled. She nodded and then walked out of the door. Great.

"," I muttered while flipping the papers left and right. Each paper held a profile. It was up to me to decide who enters the corporation or who doesn't. So far, I have one. Huh. Do I really not like any of them? I glanced around at the nearly clean room. Key word being nearly. The scratch marks on the floors and walls I couldn't do much about, so I left them. However, I did collect all of the papers that were lying on the floor and put them in a neat pile. I put my hand on my chin and spun around in the spiny chair. This was boring. So utterly boring. How does Maki do this? Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. I sighed and sat up.
"Come on in!" I yelled at the person. The door opened and a green haired figure was shown.
"To what do I owe this pleasure of seeing an annoying avocado?" I snickered as Rantaro came up to me. He frowned and then shook it off.
"I just came to ask you for a favour," he sighed. I blinked a couple of times.
"A about no," I grinned and turned around in my chair to face the wall.
"Do you at least want to hear me out?" he sighed. I don't want to hear him out at all, but maybe I should.
"What is it?" I asked him, still facing the wall.
"Ahh, so tomorrow we have a guest coming to the Corporation. I want you to meet them," he stated. A visitor? Most likely, the same person that is delivering the parcel. I flung myself around and stared at him.
"Why?" I asked. He hummed and walked around the room. I folded my arms. He clearly has a reason for why he wants me there.
"It'll benefit you," he shrugged and walked towards the exit door. " don't have to do it." Rantaro walked to the exit door and slowly pulled it open. I sighed.
"Sure," I grumbled. "It wouldn't hurt."
"Okay then. Come to my office in the morning and don't bring Shuichi," he murmured and walked out. As if him telling me not to bring Shuichi will stop me. I frowned, I'm going to bring him whether Rantaro likes it or not. I looked at the messily put clock on the wall. I've still got so much time till the end of the day. I folded my arms and put my head on the desk. Maybe if I go to sleep for a while, It will make time pass quicker.

A siren went off and jolted me awake. I rubbed my forehead, sleeping on a desk was not nice. How long have I been asleep anyways? I looked around, more importantly, what is that noise? It is the same noise for when a Hope-Lie escapes. Huh, it probably happened again. Maybe I should go find Shuichi to see if he's alright? I stood up from the chair that I had been previously sleeping on due to me being bored and went to open the door. However, it opened in front of my face.
"Gah!" I yelled and took a step back.
"Kokichi, I thought you'd be here!" Shuichi yelled as he closed the door behind him.
"I told you that I'd be here," I shrugged. "What are you doing here anyways?"
"Kokichi, Maki is trying to escape!"
They're lying to you.
Do not t—- ——e

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