Chapter 30

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It was after that where I woke up feeling confused. No...confused wasn't the right word, I was feeling strange. I couldn't remember anything, but now I could. They were memories, those dreams I was having. They were memories. I gulped and looked up to Shuichi. I moved away from the yellow couch and walked around the room, clutching my head. It hurts, as if someone just smashed a hammer on it. I don't know what to feel. I'm confused, frustrated and hurt all at the same time. I know that being mad at Shuichi wouldn't do anything, but I can't help but feel that he kept something from me. No, why am I thinking like this? Shuichi lost his memories and now he's regained them. He didn't purposely not tell me anything. Speaking of memories, I can finally recall what happened before I joined the corporation. I didn't even realise that I had forgotten such important information. They injected syringes and needles into me. Rantaro, Fuyuhiko, Mikan and...and Shuichi. He was there. There when I was in such a weak state. In fact, he caused my weak state. He said that he 'chose' me. Does that mean, he was investigating me and he chose me personally? What...what kind of a person does that? More importantly, how could I trust him as a lover after this? Trust. Isn't that what a relationship is built on? I shook my head, I'll need to talk to Shuichi privately later and discuss this. For now, I need to find out what they had injected in my arm. I studied my arm. There was a white plaster on my wrist. I frowned and removed it, there were three little purple dots on my wrist. Purple dots, that's unusual especially after an injection.
"You're probably wondering what those are," Fuyuhiko shrugged and pointed at my wrist. I frowned, how could I even trust this guy? How could I trust anyone? I stopped walking aimlessly and turned to Shuichi. I need him to prove that he's regained his memories.
"If you've regained your memories back, then I want you to tell me what this is," I muttered. Shuichi sighed in response and glanced at Rantaro, who was still reading a random book.
Rantaro hummed and glanced up at Shuichi.
"Do what you want, I really don't care about him," he shrugged. Shuichi glared at him.
"How could you say that about him?" Shu pointed at me. Geez, is he getting all defensive all of a sudden? I looked at him and back at Rantaro. Fuyuhiko whispered something to Peko before looking back at me.
"Well, Shuichi. Come on, I don't have all day. Are you going to explain or not?" Fuyuhiko sighed, frustrated. Shuichi opened his mouth to say something, but then looked down at the floor. He then blinked a couple of times before pulling up his sleeve and showing me his wrist. There were three blue dots on his wrist. I exhaled a shaky sigh before looking at my own wrist. Mine had three purple dots, his had three blue ones. Rantaro then pulled up his own sleeves to show me that he had three green dots. He looked at me with a bored expression before going back to his book.
"Look," Fuyuhiko muttered and showed me his wrist, Peko doing the same. Fuyuhiko had three yellow dots on his and Peko had three red dots. I took a step back and another and another, until I had hit the couch.
"I don't understand," I sighed and looked at the floor. What do these dots mean?
"Let me tell you a story, Kokichi," Shuichi spoke up. "Let me tell you how The Conundrum Corporation came to be."

"Six years ago, a man named Byakuya Togami discovered an abnormal creature on a holiday. He was mesmerised by the creature, if I can remember correctly, the creature was a bird. The bird was red with a blue beak, it really did look like a normal bird from the outside. However, it was not just any kind of bird though, one touch of the bird's feathers and your finger would bleed blue blood. This creature is in fact one of our Hope-Lies. Byakuya decided to study the creature and soon enough make a corporation which finds these creatures. He did just that and after a lot of analysing and examining, he found out that these creatures created something called hope fragments and that hope fragments give hope to the world. Whether the fragment was sent to a lonely child or a tired adult, it gave them hope to continue their day. It was a simple thing, yet it made the world a better place."Shuichi started and moved his neck around to crack it. "However, when the corporation had found multiple Hope-Lies, people started to die. The Hope-Lies were violent and killed every single person in their way. The Hope-Lies were very aggressive at the time. It was awful and I remember Byakuya using the phrase 'It was practically raining with dead bodies.' He was so mad that people were dying, all because of these creatures. Due to Byakuya not being able to take control of the Hope-Lies, he hired some people which he called 'leaders.' Rantaro and I to be precise." Shuichi stated and glanced at Rantaro. I bit my lip, where is he going with this? Who cares about the past of the corporation? I just want to know the truth...and then maybe go home and leave this life. It's all too hectic. Who would want to live in such an environment? This whole corporation is crazy, I don't understand how Byakuya has the sanity to run it. Shuichi continued,
"Byakuya knew that these 'leaders' would die instantly from the Hope-Lies so he made a special type of liquid. A liquid to make you immortal. Kokichi, you've been injected with this liquid."

They're lying to you.
Do not trus- —yone

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