Chapter 28

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Standing. That's all he was doing. Dizziness. That's what I am feeling. Sadness. That's what my heart is feeling. Confused. That's what my brain is feeling. Sleeping. That's what I'm doing...I think. This is way too familiar. I moved my head a little and looked around. I was on the yellow couch but no one was there. My body feels heavy, as if there were tons and tons of weights stuck to it. I sat up, despite the pain. Didn't I just have an injection? Why do I feel too weak then?
"Hello?" my croaky voice mumbled. I cleared my throat and tried again.
"Hello?" I yelled. No response, of course no one was there. I moved my feet ever so slightly and got off of the couch. When my feet touched the ground, I winced. The familiar sensation of pins and needles filled my feet. I shook my head, no, I have to find Shuichi. I stood up and walked a little. Each step was getting heavier and heavier, am I in quick sand? I looked down to comfort my uneasiness. No, I'm not in quick sand, why would I even think that? I sighed at my stupid thoughts and walked over to the metal door. I tugged on the door handle, however, the door didn't budge. What's going on? I tried again. It didn't move.
"This is not right! Let me out! Can anyone hear me?" I yelled and banged on the door. Can anyone hear me? I slumped down and rested my back against the door. No one can hear me, as I said before: no one was here. I looked to the side, there was a clock on the wall. A clock? When did that get there? I stood up once again and walked over to the clock. It was ticking and ticking and ticking. I blinked a couple of times. The ticking of the clock rang in my ears like a siren. The ticking just somehow showed that I had to get back to reality. Wait, this isn't reality? I furrowed my eyebrows, what am I saying? I took a step and looked around once again. No, this isn't reality. This is a dream. A dream which needs to end because someone is waiting for me. Yes, someone is waiting for me. I smiled as I closed my eyes as I heard someone's voice call my name. A sweet voice, my boyfriend's voice. However, that same person didn't move when I needed him. I reopened my eyes and frowned. I was being injected with this weird syringe thing and Shuichi didn't do anything about it. Why didn't he do anything about it? I folded my arms and sat down on the carpet below me. He wanted to help me, didn't he? Shuichi can sometimes freeze up in situations, that must be it.
"Kokichi, wake up!" a voice yelled. I jumped a little. It was most definitely Shuichi's voice.
"Kokichi, I'm sorry. Please wake up!" he yelled. I blinked and looked up. He's sorry? So, he did want to help me? I got up from my uncomfortable position on the floor. I sighed, I was going to have to wake up sooner or later. I looked back at the clock. That stupid clock.
"Kokichi, please wake up. I'm sorry I didn't help you," Shuichi mumbled. I sighed, he was sorry. That's all I needed to hear. I closed my eyes once again and regained consciousness.

"Kokichi?" a voice yelled. The person shook me violently and I opened my eyes. I was on the yellow couch and Shuichi was sitting next to me, patiently waiting for me to get up.
"Geez, he's awake...finally," a blurry image mumbled in the back. I sighed and sat up. I blinked a couple of times to focus on my surroundings. I don't think that it's been that long since I've passed out. Rantaro is still sitting in the same place I left him. Fuyuhiko and Peko are just walking around the room, though. Shuichi patted my back before turning to Fuyuhiko.
"Shadow, you can go now," Fuyuhiko mumbled and shooed Shuichi away. Shuichi sighed.
"I told you to stop calling me that," Shuichi sighed. Wait...Shadow. That name is familiar, I recall hearing it in a dream. A person came in and asked everyone what were they doing. In fact, 'Shadow' seemed unfazed by everything they were if talking about needles and syringes were normal! I bit my lip, but if Fuyuhiko called Shuichi 'Shadow', then that means that in on this? He is a leader, but I thought that he didn't know anything.
"The poor boy looks scared," Rantaro mumbled while flicking through a book. Shuichi frowned.
"Of course he is, you put the syringe in him, after all. Why couldn't you do that afterwards?" Fuyuhiko growled.
"Calm down, Fuyuhiko," Shuichi sighed. "It's okay Kokichi, you don't have to be worried."
Shuichi leaned in to hug me, but I shifted away from him. He looked hurt seeing me move away from him in fear.
"What's going on?" I asked while looking down. I then shot my head back up and glared angrily at Shuichi. I raised my finger at him.
"And how come you're acting like you know more now?" I yelled at him. Shuichi flinched a little at the tone of my voice. I don't understand, he just saw me getting an injection which I didn't give my approval on and he's fine about it?! A few tears threatened to spill from my eyes. Why doesn't he looked worried about me? I don't understand. I looked away from Shuichi and at the wall.
"It's clear that Shuichi has regained his memories back," Rantaro shrugged. Those few tears dried up in milliseconds. What? I instantly looked back at Shuichi. Shuichi looked hesitant at first, but then he started nodding.
"I you Kokichi and I'm not going to lie to you. I have regained my memories back and I just need to say that I'm so sorry...for choosing you."

They're lying to you.
Do not tru-- —y-ne

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