Chapter 21

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Now I could either take the ring...or I could take the whole box. Which one? Well of course I'm going to take the whole box! Who wouldn't? I held the purple box in my hand and walked out of the room. Alright, I've gotten the thing to lure her in. That's step one. Step two, is just giving her a little note saying that she won't get the object back unless she talks. Easy peasy. I walked into the elevator and into my hotel room. I need a scrap piece of paper. I looked at my drawers and rummaged through them. I just need a tiny piece of paper. How hard is that to find? I frowned and carried on looking. After what felt like forever, I found a yellow post-it note.
"This will do," I muttered and picked up a pen.
"Dear It should be more villainous. Don't call the police and listen very carefully-" I started before I burst out laughing. I sound ridiculous. Okay, okay calm down Kokichi. I'll just stick to a simple: listen up Mikan. Alright, back at it.
"Listen up Mikan, you have information that I don't have and I want it. So we will do a trade. You will give me that information and I will give you that silly purple box of yours. Meet me at Shuichi's office to discuss further details," I announced out loud. I finished writing the last words and I signed it off with my name. Done. I need to go back to the medical room and put it on the desk.
"What in the world was that?!" I exclaimed. I looked around my room. Is there an earthquake going on? I don't want to die!
"Gah!" I yelled and jumped. It's coming from the door. I ran up to my bed and hid behind it. I don't want to get hurt if something comes out.
"Don't worry, Mikan! I'm coming to save you!" a voice yelled outside my door. I furrowed my eyebrows. Mikan? She's not here. I stood up to see Tenko bust down my door. I gasped. The door fell completely off its hinges and crashed on my floor. Little chips of wood splatted across and towards my feet. I glared at Tenko.
"You're crazy!" I yelled at her. "What's your problem?" I growled. She looked at me confused before becoming mad herself.
"What do you mean, degenerate? I'm saving a damsel in distress. I heard you talking to Mikan!" She shouted at me. Talking to Mikan? Oh, I said what I wrote in the letter out loud.
"Mikan is not here!" I screamed. She got out of her fighting pose and scratched her head.
"Were you really talking to yourself then? How unprofessional," she sighed. I folded my arms.
"Why were you talking about Mikan then?" She questioned me. I sighed.
"None of your business. I'm not even in the mood to lie right broke my door!" I raised my voice once again.
"You can easily get it fixed," she shrugged. I frowned. I don't have the time for that. Plus with my door broken down, people can easily come in and out.
"You're going to fix this for me because you caused the mess," I replied. She sighed.
"I wouldn't have done it if you weren't talking about Mikan. I also want to know why you were talking about her!" she exclaimed.
"I said it was none of your business!" I sighed, I need to get going.
"Look, I need to go. Fix the door," I growled and walked off. Finally I made it to the medical room. I placed the note down on the closest table.
"Now to wait in Shuichi's office," I muttered and walked off.

"How much paper work do you do?!" I yelled at Shuichi. He flinched a little at my tone of voice.
"Geez, you're mad," he murmured. I sighed.
"Sorry Shu, Tenko broke down my door," I frowned. He got up.
"She did what?" he questioned.
"Broke down my door," I sighed. His eyes widened in shock. I mean it's not like everyday when you tell someone, 'Hey, a crazy person broke down my door!'
"Why?" he asked.
"I was talking about Mikan out loud and she broke my door down because she thought Mikan was in there," I explained. He put his head in his hands.
"You okay?" I asked him. He looked up at me and smiled.
"Yes, sorry. Tenko can be a little...protective?" Shuichi sighed.
"I can see that," I huffed. He gave me an apologetic look.
"It wasn't your fault," I reassured him. I patted his head and we were silent for a few moments.
"Hey can I ask you something? What do you think about going-" he started but then the doors flung open.
"I-I'm so sorry if I'm late! My b-box!" Mikan trembled as she ran in and immediately tripped. I frowned, how clumsy is she? Mikan got up, wobbly and looked at me. I waved the box in my hand, left and right before tucking it behind my back.
"You're going to tell us everything that you know or you're not getting it back," I yelled at her. She squealed.
"I-I can't do that!" she muttered and shook her head.
"Why not?" I questioned her.
"I-I told him that I wouldn't," she shakily smiled.
"Who's him?" I questioned her. She shook her head again.
"I-I can't tell y-you!" she frowned. I sighed and looked at Shuichi. He was studying her facial expression closely. What was he thinking about?
"L-look I can tell you a bit of information?" she insisted. I glared at her. I stayed quiet for a few moments.
"We'll start with a little bit," I responded. She nodded.
"Byakuya- the founder- is getting another job," she sighed. I blinked a couple of times, is that it?
"And...we need someone else to take his place," she smiled at the floor.
"And?" I asked her. Shuichi clutched his head with his hand.
"Shu you okay?" I asked him. He didn't reply, he just stared at the floor.
"I'm alright," he smiled at me. A lie.
"Are you sure?" I asked him. I furrowed my eyebrows and put my hand in his.
"Yes of course. Why wouldn't I be?" he asked me. Another lie. I frowned, it's just a little lie right? He's probably hiding the fact he feels sick. That's it. That's all he's lying about, right?
I felt a bit of shuffling behind me before the box was yanked out of my hands. I turned around to see Mikan running away with her box.
"Get back here!" I shouted and ran after her. Shuichi got up and followed me. I ran and ran but she soon turned a corner and was out of my sight.
"Who knew she could run this fast?" Shuichi sighed. This is a horrible situation.
"Yeah," I muttered defeated.
"We got a little bit of information- it's better than nothing," Shuichi encouraged me.
"I guess," I frowned back. Why on earth would Mikan say that Byakuya is getting another job? That has nothing to do with this or perhaps it does.
They're lying to you.
-not ——- ——e

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