Chapter 31

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The world came crashing down on me. I felt my mind collapse in utter disbelief. Disbelief and confusion swallowed my head up whole. What was this sick, twisted lie? I felt tears smear my eyes. Why am I crying, this is a lie. I bit my lips. No, that's the problem. This isn't a lie. They are telling the truth. I am now...immortal? I furrowed my eyebrows, immortal? How does that even work?
"He looks like he's going insane," Fuyuhiko sighed and fixed the tie on his suit. He's right, I feel like I'm going insane. I've been in this room for too long. It's starting to have an effect on me. I need to go. Go...where? There's no where to go. No, I'll go home back to the real world, but then...what is really in the real world? I have DICE, but then I'll have to go back to my boring life. I don't want that life, it bores me. The mystery here was so much fun and Shuichi, I looked forward to seeing his face everyday. I really do like him. He's everything I've ever wished for in a partner and if I left then that means that I would have to leave him. Can I even do that?
"He needs to calm down, it's not the end of the world," Rantaro muttered and put the book he was reading down. I shook my head. He was right, I need to stay calm. Everything getting released on me at once feels pressuring, though.
"I think that you should start being more considerate. Kokichi is just confused. He'll calm down and he won't make any harsh decisions, hopefully," Peko replied to both of them. I sank down on the couch. Harsh decisions? Does that mean running away like Maki did? Maybe, that's the best course of action. Running away.
"Kokichi, you wouldn't run away would you?" Shuichi whispered as he came next to me. He hugged me. I froze. He was hugging me. I hugged him back, but was very hesitant. It's not the fact that I don't like him, I'm just confused about where I should be right now. Home or here?
"Kokichi, let's speak outside," Shuichi muttered. I nodded. He stood up and held his hand for me to take. I took it. Taking his hand, doesn't show that I am weak. It shows that I still have feelings for him, which isn't a lie. I do. I do and I guess that's what is making the action of running away so difficult.

"Being immortal is a great thing," Shuichi started once he had closed the door. "You don't die-" he started, but I cut him off.
"You just live and live and live and watch everyone die around you?" I glared at him. He looked at me sadly, he knows that he can't convince me otherwise.
"As cool as it sounds in stories, I just don't like it," I replied. "It feels wrong."
I leaned against the wall and sighed. It felt horrible, living forever sounds so cool, but at the same time almost annoying. I don't think I could do it, I don't want to be immortal. What's the point in seeing people die and grow old without you? It would be such a dark life for you. Dying is necessary because that means that you've completed your life.
"How does it feel wrong when everyone is immortal around you?" Shuichi spoke up.
"What about the employees? They aren't?" I pointed out. Shuichi frowned.
"But you knew that they would die sooner or later when you took your job, didn't you? Shuichi muttered. "You're lucky, the smell that radiates off of you makes Hope-Lies not want to eat you. You can also live forever like me and all of my friends."
I stared at the wall and clenched my fists.
"You were so suspicious about your so called friends yesterday, now look at you," I stated. Shuichi shot his head at the floor. That's what I thought. Ever since he's gotten his memories back, he thinks that everyone around him is his friend. We were literally just suspicious of them the other day. It's shocking how fast his opinions have changed about people. My eyes widened. Does he still feel the same way I do in our relationship?
"What about us?" I gasped. Shuichi looked at me confused.
"I'm sorry, what do you mean?" Shuichi furrowed his eyebrows. Oh come on, doesn't he get it?
"What about our relationship?" I repeated and kicked the wall a little. Shuichi blinked a couple of times, was he still confused? If he is still confused then I am just going to get madder.
"Our relationship...what does that have to do with anything?" Shuichi muttered and looked around to make sure no one was listening.
"If I go back home and never return again then I would leave you," I sighed and looked down at the floor.
"But you're not actually thinking about it, are you?" Shuichi gasped and covered his mouth with his hand.
"I am," I responded. In a flash, Shuichi ran up to me and hugged me once again. I frowned, hugs were not going to solve anything.
"Kokichi, why would you say that?" Shuichi mumbled. I sighed. Did I really have to explain myself?
"This corporation is crazy. I don't still understand the full picture and not only that...I don't want to be here anymore. At least I don't think that I want to be," I confessed. Shuichi sighed a little and shook his head.
"Kokichi, I don't want you to go. The corporation is fun, trust me. You'll enjoy it here. Not only that, your role here takes a big part in the corporation," Shuichi commented. I furrowed my eyebrows. My role here? I'm just an employee, not some leader of anything. I slowly returned the hug.
"But living forever is just so..." I trailed off and Shuichi nodded in understanding.
"I will deal with that, don't worry. I can find a solution for that, but please don't go," Shuichi tried to persuade me. I frowned, can I really trust all that he's saying? I don't know.
"Not only that Kokichi, but I... I know for a fact that I love you and I don't want you to go."

They're lying to you.
Do not trust —yone

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