Chapter 27

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'Don't do this' and 'don't do that' is all I ever hear. Even in this moment of time, that's all I'm hearing. I groaned and hit Rantaro's arm.
"Ow! What was that for? I'm trying to explain the rules to you," Rantaro sighed and rubbed his arm. I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, by treating me like a child. Make sure you don't do this little Kokichi, oh don't do that little Kokichi," I mocked him. Rantaro opened the door and looked at me annoyed. I shrugged, I don't care whether I get on his nerves or not.
"Today to sum it up, you're going to be meeting my friend, who you know as a delivery person or something," Rantaro continued as we walked down an unfamiliar hallway. The smell of paint was strong and it was making my throat scratchy. I cleared my throat a little.
"Yeah, yeah," I murmured and glanced behind me. From the corner of my eye, I could see blue hair following us. I faced palmed. Shuichi, you could do a better job at hiding yourself.
"I'm going to be clear, you didn't bring Shuichi right?" he questioned me. I grinned and put my hands behind my head.
"Who knows?" I giggled and walked ahead of him. Rantaro didn't say a word after that, but I knew that he was annoyed.

"We're here," Rantaro opened a metal door. I frowned, it felt creepy. I looked around the room. There were neon green lines going up the walls and I was currently standing on a navy blue carpet. A table was a few feet away from me and there were two, yellow couches situated opposite each other, a boy was sitting on one of them. A girl with two grey braids stood next to the gentleman in a suit. The gentleman, or rather the boy, looked exactly like the picture I had recently seen. With the same dusty blonde crew cut hair and gold eyes. I frowned, the girl, however, I have not seen. She sorta looks like his bodyguard.
"Please take a seat," the girl instructed me. I complied and took a seat. The boy looked at me shocked and then quickly shook his head.
"The name is Fuyuhiko," he growled and shoved his hands in his pocket. He's rude.
"Kokichi," I shrugged and looked to the side. The door was slightly open and Shuichi was peering into the room, secretly. I had told him to follow Rantaro and I, but to not get caught.
"So, now that we know each other's names-" Rantaro started, but was interrupted.
"Can we just get on with it?" Fuyuhiko sighed and shoved a black, metal brief case on the table in front of me. I blinked, what's that? Is that the parcel? Could be. Rantaro frowned a little and took a seat next to me.
"Why don't we just talk a little?" Rantaro suggested. I shifted away from Rantaro uncomfortably. Fuyuhiko scrunched up his eyebrows in frustration.
"What do you want me to say?" Fuyuhiko yelled at us. The girl beside him sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder, like you would do when you were comforting someone.
"Now, now. It wouldn't hurt to talk a bit but of course, it is your call," she insisted. Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes and looked to the side. Rantaro took Fuyuhiko's silence as a yes.
"So, you happy with how the corporation is turning out?" Rantaro smiled.
"It's not my say, idiot. We do what we do, that's it," he shrugged and leaned back in the couch.
"Yes of course, but you must have your opinion," Rantaro questioned him. I rubbed my eyes, this is boring. I glanced at Shuichi. He was still there and no one had seen him yet. Phew, I'm not in the mood to get scowled by Rantaro today.
"What opinion should I have? Changing humans in order to do their job is pathetic," he mumbled. I furrowed my eyebrows, changing humans. What is he going on about?
"Excuse me, what are we talking about?" I intervened. Rantaro chuckled and looked at Fuyuhiko apologetically.
"Ah, sorry about him. He doesn't know yet," Rantaro shrugged. Fuyuhiko sighed.
"No one's told him yet?" Fuyuhiko replied. They're literally pretending that I'm not here!
"Told me what?" I questioned them. Rantaro hummed and glanced at me.
"You'll find out later," he mumbled. I clenched my teeth and slammed my hands on the table.
"Why can't I know now?" I insisted. "What am I doing here if I can't know now?"
Fuyuhiko looked at Rantaro angrily before getting up from his seat.
"This is why you should've told him!" Fuyuhiko growled and pointed at me. "I don't want to deal with cry babies."
I folded my hands into fists and stood up myself. I am not a crybaby. I'm just asking a question I deserve to know the answer to.
"I just want answers, I don't recall ever crying for them," I yelled and slumped down in my chair. Fuyuhiko glared at me angrily. The girl beside him kept a calm demeanour.
"Fuyuhiko, I suggest you calm down so that we can leave sooner," she spoke softly, yet sternly.
"Whatever Peko," Fuyuhiko answered and sat back down. So the girl's name is Peko? I wonder what her business here is. There was a moment of silence before Fuyuhiko shot his attention to the briefcase on the table which was most definitely the parcel. He opened it up and in the parcel were syringes. Two rows of syringes that were filled with purple and yellow liquid. The glass of the syringe was delicate and thin. The liquid inside, though, had a strong smell of chemicals and looked quite...strange.
"What's this?" I mumbled and reached my hand to touch one. Suddenly, Rantaro grabbed my hand and slammed it on the table. He took the yellow syringe and plunged it in my skin. I gasped and growled. I used my other hand to squat the syringe away, but Peko held it before I could do anything.
"What are you doing?" I shouted as the yellow liquid went in my skin. Fuyuhiko covered his ears from my shouting and seemed unfazed by what was going on.
"Stop that!" I screamed and the syringe was pulled out of my skin. Peko let go of my hand and I clutched my wrist. I glanced to the side to see Shuichi just standing there. He was no longer peering from the door but he was standing in the room. Why was he just standing there? Why didn't he do anything? I bit my lip. Why does this sting more than the syringe?
They're lying to you.
Do not tru-- —y-e

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